
  • 对话的维度 Možnosti dialogu

    类型:喜剧, 动画, 短片, 奇幻

    导演:杨·史云梅耶   编剧:杨·史云梅耶



  • 当代沟通的文本方式 當代溝通的文本方式


    导演:丁启文   编剧:

    主演:張毓祺, 沈宗逸, 陳沛汝, 李想, 董韋伶, 蔣智傑

      Through the aesthetic experiment of reconstructing its own time and space, this film reinterprets the time and space of online dialogue text, and explores the phenomenon and facts of modern interpersonal dialogue.

  • 强奸 Rape

    类型:剧情, 惊悚

    导演:小野洋子, 约翰·列侬   编剧:小野洋子, 约翰·列侬

    主演:尼古拉斯·D·诺兰德, Eva Majlath

      This film is from the point of view of a cameraman following a young woman through the streets of a city. He chases her down an alley and knocks her over, in a symbolic form of video assault. No dialogue.

  • 面具苹果 Applecart

    类型:剧情, 恐怖, 犯罪

    导演:Dustin Mills   编剧:Dustin Mills

    主演:Joni Durian, Allison Egan, Haley Madison, Josh Miller, Dave Parker, Erin R. Ryan, Brandon Salkil

      Experimental b&w anthology film with no dialogue consisting of four gruesome psychosexual stories featuring a masked cast. A woman hates her family. An elderly person is abused. A woman hates her dad. A nut abducts his female co-worker.

  • 履人 Čevljarna

    类型:剧情, 短片

    导演:Anton Martin Emersic   编剧:Anton Martin Emeršič, Tin Grabnar

    主演:Lara Vouk, Andraž Jug, Matija Rozman

      Shoemaker is a visually exciting film without dialogue. It follows Veronika through a world full of feeble people and gloomy factories. She struggles to fight the coldness around her in spite of the ever watching eye of the authorities.

  • 流媒体的罗密欧与朱丽叶 R#J


    导演:Carey Williams   编剧:Carey Williams, Rickie Castaneda, Alex Sobolev

    主演:Camaron Engels, Francesca Noel, David Zayas

      A re-imagining of Romeo and Juliet, taking place through their cellphones, in a mash-up of Shakespearean dialogue with current social media communication.

  • 400发子弹 400 Bullets

    类型:战争, 犯罪

    导演:Tom Paton   编剧:Tom Paton

    主演:Jean-Paul Ly, Andrew Lee Potts, James Warren

      400 BULLETS is an edge-of-your-seat Military Action story about what it means to fight for honor instead of profit. The film packs gun battles, epic hand-to-hand fight sequences and witty dialogue into its 90 minute run time.

  • 诡夜三日 3 Day Weekend


    导演:Wyatt McDill   编剧:Wyatt McDill

    主演:内森·菲利普斯, 玛雅·斯托扬, Scott MacDonald, Morgan Krantz

      An amateur camper stumbles across a kidnapping gone wrong, a jailhouse rendezvous, a double-cross, or a revenge plot, depending on which desperate character is misinterpreting the story - a puzzle thrill-ride told with no dialogue.

  • 两座大教堂 Two Basilicas


    导演:海因茨·艾米高斯   编剧:


      A confrontation and comparison of two church buildings, which could hardly be more different, but also a dialogue between various concepts of church and community: the Protestant Grundtvig’s Church in Copenhagen and the Catholic Cathedral in Orvieto.

  • 天使路过 Un ange passe


    导演:菲利普·加瑞尔   编剧:菲利普·加瑞尔

    主演:莫里斯·加瑞尔, 琼-皮尔里·卡尔弗恩, 尼可

      Une femme assise sur un banc, silencieuse, filmée longuement et de près. Deux hommes dans une forêt : ils marchent, fument, dialoguent. Des silences aussi. Les mêmes, d'autres, de jour, de nuit.

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