
  • 希腊岛屿 第一季 The Greek Islands with Julia Bradbury Season 1


    导演:Julia Bradbury   编剧:

    主演:Julia Bradbury

      The television presenter, whose mother is Greek, uncovers the hidden side of well-known Greek Islands going off the well-trodden tourist track to explore, immerse herself in local traditions and sample the food.

  • 雷德巴德传奇 第一季 Redbad - The Legend Season 1

    类型:传记, 历史, 战争

    导演:   编剧:



  • 冒牌情人 Her Cardboard Lover

    类型:喜剧, 爱情

    导演:乔治·库克   编剧:雅克·德瓦尔, Valerie Wyngate

    主演:瑙玛·希拉, 罗伯特·泰勒, 乔治·桑德斯

  • 戈德堡一家 第四季 The Goldbergs Season 4


    导演:大卫·卡岑伯格   编剧:亚当·F·戈德堡

    主演:温迪·麦丽登·康薇, 杰夫·格尔林, 乔治·席格, 肖恩·吉布朗尼, 托伊·金太尔, 海莉·奥兰蒂亚, 阿曼达·米夏卡


  • 永不言别 Never Say Goodbye

    类型:剧情, 爱情

    导演:道格拉斯·塞克, 杰里·霍珀   编剧:路易吉·皮兰德娄, 布鲁斯·曼宁

    主演:罗克·赫德森, 大卫·简森, 约翰·文格拉夫, 克林特·伊斯特伍德, 乔治·桑德斯

      In present-day U.S., Dr. Michael Parker, a prominent surgeon, unexpectedly runs into his German-born wife whom he thought was dead. Victor, an artist and his "dead" wife's now boyfriend, berates Dr. Parker for "killing" her. The bulk of the story flashes back to Austria during World War II as we learn how Dr. Parker met and married his wife, and the one mistake that may have co...

  • 爱与分手间 between love and goodbye

    类型:剧情, 爱情, 同性

    导演:卡斯帕·安德瑞斯   编剧:卡斯帕·安德瑞斯

    主演:Simon Miller, Justin Tensen, Rob Harmon, Ryan Turner, Austin Head

      凯尔(西蒙•米勒 Simon Miller 饰)和马塞尔(贾斯汀•藤森 Justin Tensen 饰)是对一见钟情的同性恋人。马塞尔是法国人,为能留在美国和凯尔长相厮守,他决定和女同性恋假结婚。凯尔的姐姐艾普萝(罗布·哈蒙 Rob Harmon 饰)突然回到纽约,打破了凯尔和马塞尔的二人世界。艾普萝是变性人,对凯尔有着疯狂的占有欲,她想方设法的离间这对小情人。看重亲情、率真开朗的凯尔没能识破诡计,一对甜蜜而登对的恋人就此陷入嫉妒、愤怒与不能放手的情感纠葛中,徘徊在爱与分手间......

  • 令伯特烦恼 Goodbye Mr. Loser


    导演:郑建国   编剧:曾福明, 关震峰

    主演:陈日丰, 方伟杰, 云镁鑫, 林一心, 许愫恩, 叶朝明, 黄嘉千, 方贾为, 陈立扬, 林德荣, 刘谦益, 何文辉


  • 何日君再来 Goodbye Again

    类型:剧情, 爱情

    导演:安纳托尔·李维克   编剧:萨缪尔·A·泰勒

    主演:英格丽·褒曼, 伊夫·蒙当, 安东尼·博金斯

      Between Paula and his half old Xu man Roger, should be said that there is no true love, even if Paula wants to be her true feelings in this living, also at Roger from time to time with the woman's deception and concealment repeatedly before hitting the wall. Paula than the young teenager Philip entered the heroine lonely soul, to classical pattern of a kind of "Brahms", to Paul...

  • 再见,查理 Goodbye, Charley

    类型:剧情, 科幻, 短片, 同性

    导演:Nate Trinrud   编剧:Nate Trinrud

    主演:Ryan Nunn, Austin P. McKenzie

      Letting go isn't easy, whether you're dead or alive

  • 高德堡变奏曲 Body Remix/Goldberg Variations


    导演:Marie Chouinard   编剧:

    主演:Coreography and Artistic Direction

      Cognoscente of the extraordinary, Marie Chouinard shares her reflections on the contact between the elusive Other and the flagrance of Beauty in the Goldberg Variations by Johann Sebastian Bach. Subtle and extravagant, sumptuous and wild, the movements plumb the insoluble mystery of the body, of living