
  • 迷宫中的阿连德 Allende en su laberinto


    导演:米盖尔·里廷   编剧:

    主演:艾琳·库彭海姆, Daniela Ramírez, Daniel Muñoz

      The last 7 hours of former President of Chile Salvador Allende, and his closest collaborators inside the Palace of La Moneda, during the brutal military coup d'etat on Sept. 11, 1973, the day democracy in Chile ended. Based on true events.

  • 川普秀 第一季 The Trump Show Season 1


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:Donald Trump

      A fascinating and factual look at the highlights (or lowlights) of the Trump Presidency. Using footage, and also interviews with many of the people closest to Trump, this documentary shows what happened in the last four years and its impact on America.

  • 粗制滥造 Ticky Tacky

    类型:剧情, 喜剧, 短片

    导演:布莱恩·佩索斯   编剧:布莱恩·佩索斯

    主演:奥斯卡·伊萨克, Helen Jean Rogers, Erika Rankin

      A wealthy and powerful man is betrayed by those closest to him, and under the guidance of his trusted confidant, devises a fiery requital.

  • 地下 Beneath


    导演:Joanna Satanowska   编剧:Joanna Satanowska

    主演:Anna Krotoska, Igor Michalski, Szymon Blaschko, Mateusz Korsak, Wojciech Jaworski, Mariusz Jeka, Piotr Kosewski, Jerzy Satanowski, Helena Szurmiej, Maksymilian Zielinski, Kalina Zaremba

      一群犹太人为躲避大屠杀,创造了一个勉强可以称之为家的地 方。他们几乎成功远离了战争。但即使是最佳的藏身之处,也总 有被发现的一天。
      Hiding from pogroms, a group of Jews creates the closest thing to a home they can. The War seems to be passing them by from afar. But even the best hideout can one day be discovered