
  • 图灵密码 The Turing Enigma


    导演:Pete Wild   编剧:Pete Wild

    主演:Sam Edge, Helen Webster, Ian Pink, Michael Ross, Wayne Allsop

      A missing message from rogue mathematician Alan Turing surfaces as part of the celebrations for his 100th birthday... in code it provides the key to a century old puzzle that if solved will bestow academic immortality - and crash the world into chaos.

  • 抹除我 Delete Me


    导演:Marie Kristiansen   编剧:

    主演:埃玛利亚·霍尔姆, Thea Sofie Loch Næss, Happy Jankell

      Follows teenage girls Marion and Marit through the infamous Norwegian high school celebration Russefeiring while they discover an insignificant act can turn their lives upside down.

  • 最后的摩斯:纪录片 The Last Morse: A Documentary


    导演:Marc Eskenazi   编剧:柯林·德克斯特

    主演:约翰·肖, 凯文·沃特利

      A review as well as a celebration of the television series Inspector Morse as it concluded its 33-episode, 13-year run.

  • 天堂岛疑云 第九季 Death in Paradise Season 9

    类型:剧情, 喜剧, 悬疑, 惊悚, 犯罪

    导演:Ian Barber   编剧:James Hall

    主演:Alex Gaumond, 尼尔·哈德森, 阿曼达·哈尔, 阿道·欧汉隆, 艾略特·科万, 唐·沃灵顿, 萨缪尔·韦斯特, 亚德里安·埃德蒙松, 妮娜·瓦迪娅, Shyko Amos, Aude Legastelois, Tobi Bakare

      New Year's Eve celebrations are cut short when a masked man stabs a woman in her own home. Jack and the team must uncover the identity of the murderer before they can strike again.

  • 两千狂人 Two Thousand Maniacs!


    导演:赫舍尔·戈登·刘易斯   编剧:赫舍尔·戈登·刘易斯

    主演:Connie Mason, William Kerwin, Jeffrey Allen

      Six people are lured into a small Deep South town for a Centennial celebration where the residents proceed to kill them one by one as revenge for the town’s destruction during the Civil War.

  • 慈悲圣诞 Mercy Christmas

    类型:喜剧, 动作, 恐怖

    导演:Ryan Nelson   编剧:Beth Levy Nelson, Ryan Nelson

    主演:Casey O'Keefe, Mackenzie Coffman

      Michael Briskett meets the perfect woman and his ideal Christmas dream comes true when she invites him to her family's holiday celebration. Michael's dream shatters once he realizes that HE will be the Christmas dinner.

  • 迟来的道歉 The Apology


    导演:Alison Locke   编剧:Alison Locke

    主演:安娜·冈, 莱纳斯·罗彻, 詹妮安·加罗法洛, Holland Bailey, Esmé McSherry, Zena Leigh Logan

      Twenty years after the disappearance of her daughter, a recovering alcoholic is preparing to host her family's Christmas celebration when her estranged ex-bother-in-law arrives unannounced, bearing nostalgic gifts and a heavy secret.

  • 遗忘 ლეთა


    导演:迪亚·库伦贝加什维利   编剧:迪亚·库伦贝加什维利

    主演:Dato Gogoladze, Misha Gomiashvili, Vika Chocheva

      By the river of oblivion, a lonely horsemen passes through a village where children play with hidden desires, adults are indulged in a celebration and violence and love are instinctive parts of life.

  • 叶芝:狂热的心 A Fanatic Heart: Geldof On Yeats

    类型:纪录片, 传记

    导演:Gerry Hoban   编剧:Bob Geldof

    主演:Bob Geldof

      Musician and political activist Bob Geldof examines the life and work of WB Yeats in the context of the 1916 centenary celebrations.

  • 食人妖的盛宴 LA SAINT-FESTIN


    导演:Anne-Laure Daffis, Léo Marchand   编剧:


      Hooray! Tomorrow is November 40! It's the Holy Feast, the big ogre celebration. So, if you haven't yet caught a child, hurry up and hapy hunting.  啊!明天是11月40日!盛宴节到啦!吃人妖的大派对!没抓到小孩的妖怪们可要抓紧啦,祝狩猎成功!

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