
  • 商战 Supercapitalist


    导演:西蒙·殷   编剧:丁温庆

    主演:曾江, 吴耀汉, 丁温庆, 莱纳斯·罗彻

      一名性格特立独行的纽约对冲基金交易员Conner Lee(丁温庆 饰)受到美国及亚洲两般金融恶势力的牵引,到香港展开了一场惊天动地的家族企业并购商战。为求达成这项市值数十亿元的世纪商业买卖,Conner不择手段,并甘愿以自己的生命以及一间公司的未来作赌注,决意在香港这个复杂的弹丸之地以身犯险。

  • WeWork:470亿美元独角兽的崛起与破裂 WeWork


    导演:杰德·罗斯坦   编剧:杰德·罗斯坦

    主演:格温妮斯·帕特洛, 阿什顿·库彻, Rebekah Paltrow Neumann, Adam Neumann, 阿维夫·格芬

      WeWork: or the Making and Breaking of a $47 Billion Unicorn explores the rise and fall of one of the biggest corporate flameouts and venture capitalist bubbles in recent years – the story of WeWork, and its hippie-messianic leader Adam Neumann.

  • 再见祖国 Fatherland


    导演:肯·洛奇   编剧:特雷弗·格里菲思

    主演:Gerulf Pannach, 法比恩·巴布, 克瑞丝汀·罗丝

      A singer swaps the political intimidation of working in East Germany for the equally controlling capitalist music industry in the West.BY:

  • 死光 Луч смерти


    导演:Lev Kuleshov   编剧:弗谢沃罗德·普多夫金

    主演:Porfiri Podobed, 弗谢沃罗德·普多夫金, 谢尔盖·科马罗夫, Vladimir Fogel, 亚历山德拉·柯克洛娃, Sergei Khokhlov

      In a capitalist country, workers are heavily repressed but manage to get a "death ray" to fight back. (A part of the movie is lost.)

  • 感觉消失 Гибель Сенсации

    类型:科幻, 奇幻

    导演:Aleksandr Andriyevsky   编剧:乔格伊·格雷布纳

    主演:Sergei Vecheslov, Vladimir Gardin, Mariya Volgina

      In an unnamed English-speaking capitalist land, a young engineer invents inexhaustible giant robots to replace the fragile human workers on high-volume assembly-lines, and soon finds his invention co-opted by the military-industrial complex.