
  • 破碎之镜 Gebroken spiegels

    类型:剧情, 惊悚

    导演:Marleen Gorris   编剧:Marleen Gorris

    主演:Lineke Rijxman, Henriëtte Tol, Edda Barends

      A murderer is at large: a well-dressed businessman who incarcerates his victims, chains and starves them, and documents their death amid their filth with instamatic snaps. Meanwhile, in another part of town, a woman joins a brothel. These two simple strand...

  • 坚不可摧 Unbroken

    类型:剧情, 传记, 战争, 运动

    导演:安吉丽娜·朱莉   编剧:乔尔·科恩, 伊桑·科恩, 理查德·拉·格拉文斯, 威廉姆·尼克尔森, 劳拉·希伦布兰德

    主演:罗斯·安德森, C·J·瓦罗瑞, 马修·克罗克, 约翰·德利奥, 亚历克斯·罗素, 杰克·奥康奈尔, 多姆纳尔·格里森, 加内特·赫德兰, 杰·科特尼, 石原贵雅, 芬·维特洛克, 马达莱娜·伊斯基亚勒, 温琴佐·阿马托, 约翰·马加罗, 卢克·崔德威, 路易斯·麦金托什

      赞佩里尼(杰克·奥康奈尔 Jack O'Connell 饰)是一位长跑运动员,他热爱这项运动,并且有幸参加了1936年的柏林奥运会。1939年,第二次世界大战爆发,踌躇满志的赞佩里尼加入军队,为祖国报效,他成为了一名空军投弹手。
      一次任务中,一场意外让赞佩里尼所驾驶的战斗机于海上坠毁,他和战友们在一艘小小的救生筏上度过了艰苦而又漫长的47天,然而,当他们获救之时,噩梦才刚刚开始。赞佩里尼成为了敌对国日本的俘虏,并且在集中营里结识了名叫渡边睦弘(石原贵雅 饰)的军官,在这里,赞佩里尼遭受到了非人的折磨和拷打,尽管幸存,但这一段经历在他的心灵上留下了不可磨灭的伤痕。战争结束了,可赞佩里尼的噩梦并没有终结。

  • 三人成瘾 Housebroken

    类型:喜剧, 短片, 同性

    导演:Wade Gasque   编剧:Wade Gasque

    主演:Mark Strano, Carrie Keranen, Justin Schollard, Felix Cordova, Jenny Weaver

      A hopeless romantic learns a thing or two about relationships when he gets too close to a long-term couple.

  • 残缺不全 T11 Incomplete


    导演:Suzanne Guacci   编剧:Suzanne Guacci

    主演:克里斯汀·雷顿, 扎克瑞·布斯, 凯伦·西拉斯, Katy Sullivan, Yvonne Jung, Gregory M. Brown, Lauren Russell

      A visiting home health aide and recovering alcoholic, strives to rebuild her broken life, only to have it fall apart once again when she falls in love with her young, paraplegic patient then betrays her trust.

  • 吸血牙仙:当爱反咬一口 Tooth Pari: When Love Bites

    类型:喜剧, 爱情, 奇幻

    导演:Pratim D. Gupta   编剧:

    主演:Tanya Maniktala, Shantanu Maheshwari, Mukesh Fotwani

      A rebellious vampire with a broken tooth falls for a shy dentist on the streets of Kolkata but will human and mystical forces keep them apart?

  • 病态忧郁的猫 Cat Sick Blues


    导演:Dave Jackson   编剧:


      When Ted's beloved cat dies, the trauma triggers a mental breakdown. His broken brain prompts him to bring his feline friend back - all he needs is nine human lives.

  • 涨潮 Stille Dorst


    导演:Claire Zhou   编剧:Claire Zhou

    主演:Joshua Albano, Mouad Ben-Chaib, Floor van Vloten

      A man takes himself to a woodland cottage to escape the pain and confusion of an impending divorce. Whilst enlisting the owner to fix the broken water he begins to uncover and embrace his hidden desires - a journey of self-discovery and healing.

  • 滴 Drop


    导演:Bruno Bozzetto   编剧:布鲁诺·伯茨多


      Man appears to be eternally bound to fix things that sooner or later will somehow get broken again.
      What if one day, by this same law, the Universe too began falling apart?

  • 关于萨拉和萨利姆的报告 التقارير حول سارة وسليم

    类型:剧情, 爱情

    导演:马亚德·阿莱恩   编剧:Rami Musa Alayan

    主演:Rebecca Esmeralda Telhami, Mohammad Titi, Raya Zoabi, 麦莎·阿德哈迪, Mohammad Eid, 卡梅尔·巴沙, 伊赛·戈兰, Bashar Hassuneh, Hanan Hillo, Amer Khalil, Sivane Kretchner, Jan Kühne, Adeeb Safadi, Riyad Sliman

      The affaire of a married Palestinian man and a married Israeli woman in Jerusalem takes a dangerous political dimension when they are spotted in the wrong place at the wrong time leaving them to deal with more than their broken marriages.

  • 安夜 Night

    类型:动画, 短片

    导演:Ahmad Saleh   编剧:


      The dust of war keeps the eyes open. Night brings peace and sleep to the broken town. Only the eyes of the mother of a missing child remain alert. The night has to trick her into sleeping to save her soul.

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