
  • 呼吸鸡 Ariana Grande: Breathin


    导演:Hannah Lux Davis   编剧:


      Official music video for "Breathin" by Ariana Grande.

  • 加拉帕哥鬣蜥 The Dragons of Galapagos


    导演:   编剧:大卫·爱登堡


      The "Calypso" team studies the metabolic adjustments that allow the air-breathing iguana to forage for extended periods underwater. studies the metabolic adjustments that allow the air-breathing iguana to forage for extended periods underwater.

  • 静止能量 Rest Energy


    导演:玛丽娜·阿布拉莫维奇, 乌雷   编剧:

    主演:玛丽娜·阿布拉莫维奇, 乌雷

      Ulay and Abramovic draw a large bow and arrow, one holding each side. The arrowhead is pointing at Abramovic's heart. The slightest movement could be fatal. Microphones on their clothes pick up their quickening heart beats and Ulay's irregular breathing.

  • 死胎 Nati Morti


    导演:Alex Visani   编剧:Alex Visani

    主演:Corinna Coroneo, Lorenzo Lepori, Ester Andriani

      Luna is a young embalmer with a strange passion for everything concerning death. One day, during a trip in the woods, she finds two bodies. The first one is a dead woman, the other one is a man who is still barely breathing.

  • 45 Minutes to Ramallah


    导演:Ali Samadi Ahadi   编剧:Gabriel Bornstein, Karl-Dietmar Möller-Naß

    主演:arim Saleh, Julie Engelbrecht, 纳维德·阿克汗

      Turbulent comedy about two Palestinian brothers who smuggle the dead body of their father from Jerusalem to Ramallah with the Israeli Police, a bunch of terrorists and the Russian Mafia breathing down their necks