
  • 斯蒂芬·霍金的宇宙 Stephen Hawking's Universe


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:史蒂芬·霍金, 格雷戈里·本福德, 弗兰克·兰格拉

      一、眼见为实 (seeing is believing
      二、大爆炸 the Big Bang)
      三、宇宙炼金术 Cosmic Alchemy)
      四、黑暗四周 On the Dark Side)
      五、黑洞 Black holes and Beyond)
      六、终极答案 (an Answer to Everything)

  • 爱在海角天涯 Shiddat


    导演:Kunal Deshmukh   编剧:什里达·拉加万, Dheeraj Rattan, 普哈·拉达·瑟蒂

    主演:桑尼·考沙尔, Radhika Madan, 莫希特·雷纳, 戴安娜·彭蒂

      Two parallel love stories, and how believing with all your heart achieves love.

  • 零度 Ponto Zero


    导演:José Pedro Goulart   编剧:

    主演:帕特丽夏·塞隆克, 俄瑟尔·苏泽, 拉瑞莎·塔瓦雷斯

      Ênio, nearly 15, stopped believing in ghosts a long time ago. He’s having to deal with a lot at home, his mother who believes in them, and his brute father who at home is almost a ghost. Over the course of one fateful night Ênio goes on an adventure.

  • 张开手腕 Stringimi forte i polsi


    导演:Walter Martyn Cabell   编剧:

    主演:tinto brass, Erika Savastani, Antonio Zequila

      The flesh is weak.
      Even for those who deny it.
      When you least expect it,
      a tiny opportunity is enough
      to expose the undeniable truth.
      Seeing is believing.

  • 咖啡约会 Coffee Date


    导演:Stewart Wade   编剧:Stewart Wade

    主演:乔纳森·贝莱, 威尔逊·克鲁兹, 乔纳森·斯沃曼, 莎莉·柯克兰德, 伊莲·亨德里克斯

      Todd's life spins out of control when an unexpected friendship with a gay man causes everyone in his life to start believing he's gay. Do they know something he doesn't?

  • 和渡船一起散步 Walking with the Ferryman

    类型:同性, 奇幻

    导演:Adrian Hume Robinson   编剧:Adrian Hume Robinson

    主演:Adrian Hume Robinson, 斯蒂法诺·瑞利

      An emotional fantasy in which a grieving gay man must open disbelieving eyes to the possibility of supernatural and mythological worlds in order to gain opportunity for reconciliation with a lover lost to apparent suicide.