
  • 两个埃斯科巴 The Two Escobars


    导演:Jeff Zimbalist, Michael Zimbalist   编剧:Michael Zimbalist


      【两个艾斯克巴斯】长达100分钟,是ESPN为庆祝建台30周年,而推出的“30年30部电影”其中之一这部纪录片在今年早些时候纽约的翠贝卡电影节(Tribeca Film Festival i)上首映。导演表示“这部纪录片不单是讲述安德列斯埃斯科巴或帕布鲁埃斯科巴的影片,而是讲述了哥伦比亚人民在特定时代的生活状态。”

  • 军犬朱巴尔 Dzhulbars

    类型:剧情, 历史, 战争

    导演:伊凡·舒克霍维茨基   编剧:尤里·斯图卡林, 亚历山大·德鲁戈夫

    主演:尼古拉·马丘斯基, 玛丽亚·安德烈耶娃, 阿列克谢·巴拉巴什

  • 夜与梦 Nacht und Träume


    导演:Alfred Behrens, Michael Kuball   编剧:萨缪尔·贝克特, Heinrich Joseph von Collin


      A lone man sits at a table dreaming. He dreams of singing a few bars of Schubert's lied, "Nacht und Träume." Then unseen people give him a communion cup and wipe his brow. He is shown dreaming again, then the dream repeats, only much slower

  • 极度恐惧 Scared Straight


    导演:John Carpenter   编剧:Ron L. Brinkerhoff, Joe Gazzam

    主演:Nicolas Cage

      As part of the crime-prevention program Scared Straight, a governor's delinquent son is sent to prison for what's to be a short period of time. While behind bars, however, the kid is taken hostage during a riot, forcing a lifer (Cage) to come to his aid.

  • 行为犯 The Act

    类型:剧情, 同性

    导演:Thomas Hescott   编剧:Thomas Hescott, Matthew Baldwin

    主演:伊恩·哈拉德, Matthew Baldwin, 塞缪尔·巴奈特

      In 1965 the eve of decriminalization for acts of male homosexuality in the U.K. Matthews, a young gay man at odds with the world, discovers love, sex, and a new family in the backstreets and underground bars of Soho.

  • 迪米特利·马丁:想太多 Demetri Martin: The Overthinker


    导演:杰伊·卡拉斯   编剧:迪米特利·马丁


      With his signature one-liners and drawings, Demetri Martin muses on doughnut holes, dogs, sports bars, the alphabet's most aggressive letters and more.

  • 叛徒(澳版) The Traitors


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:Dirk Strachan-Thornton, Mark Norman, Millie Slennett, Justine Reid, 罗杰·科瑟, Marielle Intveld, Michael Kuzilny, Alexandra Duggan, Kate Williams, Nigel Brennan, Fiona McKay, Chloe Campbell, Craig Carr, Sandra Wu, Ethan Fleming

      Deception, lies and betrayal are the name of the game as four Traitors infiltrate a group of 24 players and use their skills to eradicate 'loyal' contestants trying to win $250,000 in silver bars.

  • 入狱60天 第二季 60 Days In Season 2


    导演:   编剧:


      "60 Day In" offers an unprecedented look at life behind bars at Indiana's Clark County Jail as seven innocent volunteers are sent to live among its general population for 60 days without fellow inmates or staff knowing their secret.

  • 入狱60天 第四季 60 Days In Season 4


    导演:   编剧:


      "60 Day In" offers an unprecedented look at life behind bars at Indiana's Clark County Jail as seven innocent volunteers are sent to live among its general population for 60 days without fellow inmates or staff knowing their secret.

  • 浪漫帕慕岛 What Happened on Pam Island


    导演:Eliza Kubarska   编剧:

    主演:Eliza Kubarska, David Kaszlikowski

      波兰登山家伊丽莎·库巴斯卡(Eliza Kubarska)和大卫·卡兹利考斯基(David Kaszlikowski),开始了一段到格陵兰南岛峡湾的孤独旅程,目的地是世界最高的海崖。垂直的崖壁只能通过一种方式抵达——划着皮划艇通过一片可怕的、风暴肆虐的海域(水温低至0摄氏度,如果在这片区域翻船也即意味着数分钟内体温骤降死亡),然后他们将独自在1500米高的垂直崖壁上攀登——而这一切,都是为了,一个亲吻。信任、热情、陌生而原始的爱情,在你从未见过的一些最美丽的风景里发生。

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