
  • 蔬菜沙拉版星球大战 Grocery Store Wars: The Organic Rebellion

    类型:喜剧, 动画, 短片, 冒险

    导演:·   编剧:路易斯·福克斯, Tate Hausman, 乔纳·萨克斯


  • 东西的故事 The Story of Stuff

    类型:动画, 短片

    导演:·   编剧:路易斯·福克斯, 安妮·伦纳德, 乔纳·萨克斯


      For most of the world, consumption has been the unquestioned duty of every individual. Then garbage activist Annie Leonard brought her two-hour lecture to Free Range who helped her turn it into a 20-minute animated revolution. Shown in thousands of classrooms, endlessly blasted by Fox News, viewed more than 10 million times, The Store of Stuff finally opens the door to a seriou...

  • 动物版黑客帝国 The Meatrix

    类型:动画, 短片

    导演:·   编剧:路易斯·福克斯, 乔纳·萨克斯


      本片倡导消费者食用家庭式农场饲养的禽畜蛋肉,而不是吃工厂式农场出产的工业化饲养的食物。片中指出,工厂式农场出产的食品有四点缺陷:animal cruelty(违背动物福利)、antibiotic resistant germs(滥用抗生素)、massive pollution(造成巨大污染)、destroyed communities(破坏居民社区)。