
  • 印象派简史 The Impressionists


    导演:Tim Dunn   编剧:科林·斯沃什, 萨拉·伍兹

    主演:理查德·阿米蒂奇, 查理·孔杜, 亚丁·吉勒特, 朱利安·格洛弗, 安德鲁·哈维尔, 威尔·基恩, 伊索贝尔·普拉夫达, 阿曼达·鲁特

      The Impressionists, a three part factual drama for BBC ONE, vividly reconstructs the movement's remarkable story.
      Based on archive letters, records and interviews from the time, the series records the lives of the artists who were to transform the art world.
      It is a tale of poverty and of a struggle for recognition, set against a backdrop of war and revolution.
      But at the heart...