
  • 乐土迢迢 There Is a Happy Land Further Away


    导演:·   编剧:本·里弗斯


      Ben Rivers reveals the internal magic of life in the Vanuatu archipelago before it was devastated by Cyclone Pam. This meditative look at a distant world, where the fleeting lives of the native inhabitants come up against the perpetuity of capricious elements, is enhanced by recited verse from Henri Michaux.

  • 海上两年 Two Years at Sea

    类型:剧情片电影, 纪录片电影

    导演:·   编剧:本·里弗斯

    主演:Jake Williams

      The film documents the solitary existence of Jake, a man who lives in isolation in the middle of the forest in remote Scotland. It follows the character's unconventional life, capturing moments of profound beauty. Jack is seen in all seasons, surviving frugally, passing the time with strange projects, living the radical dream he had as a younger man, a dream he spent two years ...

  • Now, At Last


    导演:·   编剧:本·里弗斯


      Ben Rivers is an artist and experimental filmmaker based in London. His work has been shown in many film festivals and galleries around the world and has won numerous awards. His work ranges from themes about exploring unknown wilderness territories to candid and intimate portrayals of real-life subjects.