
  • 恐怖分子 ผู้ก่อการร้าย


    导演:·西   编剧:丹斯加·彭西迪佛拉高, Panu Trivej


      A black cloak of forgetting, suppressing and covering has descended on the events that took place in Bangkok in spring 2010. Black as the night of complete darkness in which the film opens. Two men are in a fishing boat talking. One feels more than one sees that the seawater around them is warm and smooth, teeming with brightly-colored fish. By night, the rubber plantation also...

  • 转世 จุติ

    类型:剧情片电影, 纪录片电影, 同性片电影

    导演:·西   编剧:丹斯加·彭西迪佛拉高


      In separate sketches, Thunska Pansittivorakul shows the homosexual love between a teacher and pupil more explicitly than ever. Several cryptic scenes refer to the oppressive Thai political situation. A clear reaction to the new law that subjected his previous film, This Area Is Under Quarantine (2009), to censorship.
      Reincarnate starts with a text: ‘Thailand has since August 20...