
  • 爷们儿点 Hazlo Como Hombre

    类型:喜剧, 同性

    导演:Nicolás López   编剧:Guillermo Amoedo, Nicolás López

    主演:·, 阿斯琳·德尔贝, 伊格纳西·阿尔曼德, 马里修·奥查曼, 艾瑞尔·利维, 胡伯托·巴斯托

      Do It Like an Hombre(西班牙语:Hazlo como hombre)是一部 2017 年墨西哥-智利喜剧剧情片,由尼古拉斯-洛佩斯编剧并执导。影片由毛里西奥-奥赫曼、阿方索-多萨尔和艾斯林-德尔贝兹领衔主演,亨伯托-布斯托、伊格纳西亚-阿拉曼德和阿里尔-利维也参与了演出。该片在墨西哥的总票房为 1.8217 亿墨西哥比索,是墨西哥票房排名第七的电影。

      Do It Like an Hombre (Spanish: Hazlo como hombre) is a 2017 Mexican-Chilean comedy-drama film written and directed Nicolás López. The film starred by Mauricio Ochmann, Alfonso Dosal and Aislinn Derbez in lead roles along with Humberto Busto, Ignacia Allamand and Ariel Levy.
      The film grossed $182.17 million pesos in Mexico, and is the seventh highest-grossing Mexican film.
      Raúl (Mauricio Ochmann), Eduardo (Humberto Busto), and Santiago (Alfonso Dosal) led a happy and stereotypically 'masculine' life from childhood until Santiago comes out to them as gay.
      Raúl reacts negatively and tries to convince Santiago that it's just a phase, damaging their relationship. Santiago begins a relationship with Julián, a famous chef, and plans to move to Miami with him to start a new life, which makes Raúl jealous and causes conflicts that eventually lead to them cutting each other off. Meanwhile, Raúl's wife, Luciana, discovers that he has been flirting with other women and arranging hookups, and seeks a divorce.
      Losing two important relationships makes Raúl reevaluate his views on masculinity, friendship, and love. Eventually, Santiago backs down from his plans to move when he discovers Julián is polyamorous and not interested in a monogamous relationship. Raúl apologizes to Santiago, and they reconcile.
      In the final scene, a couple of years later, Raúl is still trying to regain Luciana's love and forgiveness, but she remains hesitant. Santiago is dating an employee of Eduardo, and Raúl seems more accepting of his friend's homosexuality, but he still reacts with discomfort to seeing his own son playing with a doll, hinting at potential future conflicts.

  • 爱的小麻烦 Sin hijos


    导演:罗伯托·菲斯科   编剧:Mariano Vera

    主演:·, 瑞吉娜·布兰登, Francesca Mercadante

      他全心爱上的女子竟然讨厌小孩!这下如何是好?9 岁的女儿提议假装成他的妹妹,应该不会有什麽问题吧?

  • 骨灵 Huesera

    类型:剧情, 恐怖

    导演:Michelle Garza Cervera   编剧:Michelle Garza Cervera, Abia Castillo

    主演:·, Sonia Couoh, 玛尔塔·克劳迪亚·莫雷诺

      Valeria, a young woman expecting her first child, becomes cursed by a sinister entity. Plunged into a terrifying and dangerous world, a group of witches emerge as her only hope for safety and salvation, but not without grave risk.

  • 在地球上 Aquí en la Tierra

    类型:剧情, 惊悚, 犯罪

    导演:阿隆索·帕拉西奥斯   编剧:

    主演:·, 特诺切·韦尔塔, 保利娜·戴维拉, 丹尼尔·希梅内斯·卡乔, 阿里亚德娜·希尔, Yoshira Escárrega, 索菲亚·斯尼加, Teresa Ruiz, 安德烈·阿尔梅达,

      It revolves around the crimes and secrets of one of Mexico's most influential families, of how a humble young man jumps across social barriers to climb up the economic and political ladder, and about the raising of awareness of a young heir struggling to clarify the murder of his father, in a Mexico very much like today's, but far from being the same.

  • 毒枭:墨西哥 第二季 Narcos: Mexico Season 2

    类型:剧情, 动作, 犯罪

    导演:安德烈斯·拜斯, 阿玛特·伊斯卡拉特, 玛塞拉·萨义德   编剧:卡洛·伯纳德, 克里斯·布兰卡托, 道格·米洛, 约翰尼·纽曼, 埃里克·纽曼, 伊娃·阿里吉斯, 克莱顿·特鲁塞尔, 阿莱克·齐夫

    主演:塔拉塞纳, 马特·莱斯切尔, 胡里奥·赛迪罗, 安德烈·阿尔梅达, 梅拉·埃莫西约, 米格尔·罗达特, 亚历克斯·奈特, 迭戈·卢纳, 斯科特·麦克纳里, 何塞·马利亚·亚兹皮克, 亚历杭德罗·埃达,

      《毒枭:墨西哥》第 2 季继续讲述米格尔·安赫尔·费利斯·加拉多的故事,他现在是墨西哥第一大贩毒集团(瓜达拉哈拉贩毒集团)的教父,一直在努力保持对各方势力的掌控,发展自己的帝国,在成为教父的路上不断调和所面对的背叛与牺牲。随着贩毒集团不同“广场”之间的摩擦加剧,费利斯对局势的掌控也随之减弱。同时,贩毒集团手上的血债(缉毒局探员奇奇·卡马雷纳之死)和腐败的政治家在墨西哥引发了一系列因果报应。由坚定的缉毒局探员沃尔特·布列斯林领导的“莱茵达行动”并不总是按常规出牌,且矛头直指费利斯·加拉多和他的心腹,进一步导致了贩毒集团的不稳定和动荡。

  • 毒枭:墨西哥 第三季 Narcos: Mexico Season 3

    类型:剧情, 犯罪

    导演:安德烈斯·拜斯, 瓦格纳·马拉, 亚历杭德拉·马尔克斯·阿贝拉, 路易斯·奥特加, 阿玛特·伊斯卡拉特   编剧:克里斯·布兰卡托, 卡洛·伯纳德, 道格·米洛, 克莱顿·特鲁塞尔, 玛吉·科恩, 韦斯·泰勒, Iturri Sosa, 阿莱克·齐夫, Isaac Gomez

    主演:, David Paladino, Brett Edwards, 坏痞兔, 戈尔卡·莱斯奥萨, 亚利桑德罗·富尔特, 洛伦佐·法罗, 斯科特·麦克纳里, 何塞·马利亚·亚兹皮克, 亚历杭德罗·埃达,

      第 3 季的故事背景设定在上世纪 90 年代,毒品生意的全球化被点燃之际,探讨了费利斯被捕后爆发的战争。当新独立的贩毒集团在政治动荡和不断升级的暴力中挣扎求生时,新一代墨西哥毒枭横空问世。但在这场战争中,真相总是无迹可寻,而每一次逮捕、谋杀和劫掠都只会让真正的胜利离我们越来越远…