
  • 稻草人 The Scarecrow

    类型:喜剧片电影, 短片电影, 家庭片电影

    导演:爱德华·克莱因, 巴斯特·基顿   编剧:巴斯特·基顿, 爱德华·克莱因

    主演:巴斯特·基顿, 爱德华·克莱因, 卢克, 乔·基顿, 乔·罗伯茨, 西碧尔·希利, ·

      两位雇农(基顿与罗伯茨 饰演)同时爱上了农场主的女儿,为此展开争夺战。两个人住在同一间屋子里,里面有许多神奇的机械装置,譬如将床翻个面掉个个放置就变成了钢琴。基顿在逃跑的过程中伪装成一个稻草人,由此也成为这部短片片名的来由。

  • 暗号 The 'High Sign'

    类型:喜剧片电影, 短片电影

    导演:爱德华·克莱因, 巴斯特·基顿   编剧:爱德华·克莱因, 巴斯特·基顿

    主演:Pickett, 乔·罗伯茨, ·

      一列疾驰的火车呼啸而过,在经过某个城镇时扔下了一个有些潦倒落魄的青年(巴斯特·基顿 Buster Keaton 饰)。他没有工作,彷徨无奈,而登载在一份超大报纸上的招工启事吸引了青年的眼球。该启事来自一家射击训练场,他们要求员工拥有不错的射击本领。青年临时抱佛脚,偷了警察的枪来联系,无奈技术实在不堪。即便如此,他还是硬着头皮前去应聘。

  • 噢!医生 Oh Doctor!

    类型:喜剧片电影, 短片电影

    导演:罗斯科·阿巴克尔   编剧:让·C·阿韦, Joseph Anthony Roach

    主演:罗斯科·阿巴克尔, 巴斯特·基顿, ·, Alice Mann

      Dr. Holepoke, his wife, and his son are at the horse races when the doctor begins to flirt with another woman. Then the doctor and the other woman's boyfriend lose their money betting on the same horse, leaving both of the women very unhappy. While Dr. Holepoke thinks about how to get some new patients, the other man has a plan to recover some of his losses at the doctor's expe...

  • 厨师 The Cook

    类型:喜剧片电影, 短片电影

    导演:罗斯科·阿巴克尔   编剧:罗斯科·阿巴克尔

    主演:罗斯科·阿巴克尔, 巴斯特·基顿, ·

      In an attempt at greater efficiency, the chef of a fancy oceanside restaurant and his assistant wreak havoc in the establishment. Adding to the complications is the arrival of a robber.

  • 查理的过去 His Prehistoric Past

    类型:喜剧片电影, 短片电影

    导演:查理·卓别林   编剧:查理·卓别林

    主演:查理·卓别林, Mack Swain, Gene Marsh, 弗里茨·沙德, Cecile Arnold, ·

      Charlie dreams he is in the stone age. There King Low-Brow rules a harem of wives. Charlie, in skins and a bowler, falls in love with the king's favorite wife, Sum-Babee. During a hunting trip the king is pushed over a cliff. Charlie proclaims himself king, but Ku-Ku discovers the real king alive. They return to find Charlie and Sum- Babee together.

  • 新婚之夜 His Wedding Night

    类型:喜剧片电影, 短片电影

    导演:罗斯科·阿巴克尔   编剧:罗斯科·阿巴克尔, Joseph Anthony Roach

    主演:罗斯科·阿巴克尔, 巴斯特·基顿, ·, Alice Mann, Jimmy Bryant

      In a drugdstore Al and Roscoe are rivals for Alice. Roscoe slings melons and operates the gas pump. Buster delivers a wedding gown for Alice, begins modeling it, is mistaken for Alice and is kidnapped by Al.

  • 红房子 The Rough House

    类型:喜剧片电影, 短片电影

    导演:罗斯科·阿巴克尔, 巴斯特·基顿   编剧:罗斯科·阿巴克尔, 巴斯特·基顿, Joseph Anthony Roach

    主演:罗斯科·阿巴克尔, 巴斯特·基顿, ·, 爱丽丝·莱克, Agnes Neilson

      Roscoe, his wife and his mother-in-law run a seaside resort. Buster plays a gardener who puts out a fire started by Roscoe, then a delivery boy who fights with the cook St. John, then a cop.
      The Rough House (1917) is a short comedy film written and directed by and starring Roscoe "Fatty" Arbuckle and Buster Keaton. The Rough House was Keaton's first film as a director.

  • 晚安护士 Good Night Nurse

    类型:喜剧片电影, 短片电影

    导演:罗斯科·阿巴克尔   编剧:罗斯科·阿巴克尔

    主演:罗斯科·阿巴克尔 Roscoe 'Fatty' Arbuckle, 巴斯特·基顿 Buster Keaton, ·, 爱丽丝·莱克, 乔·波尔多, 凯特·普莱斯

      Good Night, Nurse! is a 1918 short comedy film written and directed by Fatty Arbuckle, and starring Arbuckle and Buster Keaton. The action centers in a sanitarium Arbuckle's character was brought to by his wife, involuntarily, to be operated on by Keaton's character for his alcoholism.

  • 大堂服务生 The Bell Boy

    类型:喜剧片电影, 短片电影

    导演:罗斯科·阿巴克尔   编剧:罗斯科·阿巴克尔

    主演:罗斯科·阿巴克尔, 巴斯特·基顿, ·, 爱丽丝·莱克, 乔·基顿, Charles Dudley

      The Bell Boy is a short film produced and released in 1918 by the Comique film company.
      The film stars Fatty Arbuckle and Buster Keaton as bellboys in Elk's Head Hotel. They cause trouble with each other and guests. The elevator is powered by a stubborn horse, a sham robbery turns into a real one, and there is a chase on a runaway trolley. Much of the material in this film was ...

  • 铁骡 The Iron Mule

    类型:喜剧片电影, 短片电影

    导演:罗斯科·阿巴克尔, 格罗弗·琼斯   编剧:格罗弗·琼斯

    主演:·, 乔治·戴维斯, 格伦·卡文德, Doris Deane, 比利·弗兰尼, 弗洛伦斯·里德, Walter C.

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