
  • X博士 Doctor X

    类型:惊悚, 恐怖

    导演:迈克尔·柯蒂兹   编剧:Robert Tasker, 厄尔·鲍德温

    主演:莱昂内尔·阿特威尔, ·, 李·屈赛

      纽约报纸记者Walter Barnett报道了女演员Angela Merrova死在公寓中的消息,谁知第二天Angela Merrova却活着出现,并决定起诉报社……

      Doctor X (1932) is a First National/Warner Bros. horror and mystery film. Based on the play originally titled The Terror (New York, February 9, 1931) by Howard W. Comstock and Allen C. Miller,[1] it was directed by Michael Curtiz and stars Lee Tracy, Fay Wray, and Lionel Atwill.
      The film was produced before the Motion Picture Production Code was enforced. Themes such as murder, rape, cannibalism and prostitution are interwoven into the story. The film was one of the last films made, along with Warners' Mystery of the Wax Museum (1933), in the two-color Technicolor process. Black and white prints were shipped to small towns and to foreign markets, while color prints were reserved for major cities.

  • 婚礼进行曲 The Wedding March


    导演:埃里克·冯·施特罗海姆   编剧:埃里克·冯·施特罗海姆, 哈利·卡尔

    主演:埃里克·冯·施特罗海姆, ·, 扎苏·皮茨

      The setting is Vienna in 1914 before the outbreak of war. The aristocratic and somewhat jaded Prince Nicki, pursued by all the ladies, begins a flirtation with Mitzi, a crippled harpist who works in a suburban wine-garden, and who is in turn idolized by Schani, an uncouth and violently jealous butcher. Their first encounter significantly takes place in front of St. Stephen's Ca...

  • 红楼枪声 Crime of Passion

    类型:剧情, 犯罪, 黑色电影

    导演:盖德·奥斯瓦尔德   编剧:乔·艾辛格

    主演:芭芭拉·斯坦威克, 斯特林·海登, 雷蒙德·布尔, ·, 弗吉尼亚·格雷, 罗亚尔·达诺

      Kathy is a smart and tough 1950's advice columnist at a San Francisco newspaper, with her name plastered on billboards all over the city. One day, Bill Doyle, a Los Angeles detective, walks into her office - it is instant attraction. After marrying Bill, Kathy gives up her career and becomes a homemaker. However, she is not your typical 1950's homemaker. After hosting several c...

  • 自由万岁 Viva Villa!

    类型:传记, 西部

    导演:杰克·康威   编剧:本·赫克特, Edgecumb Pinchon, 霍华德·埃米特·罗杰斯

    主演:华莱士·比里, 里奥·卡利罗, ·, 唐纳德·库克

      电影开始时,是迪亚斯政权的一班权贵,无法无天,侵占农民的田地,房屋,如果有人抗议,就将他们捉起来,不是吊死,就是枪毙。其中一个遇害者被鞭打一百下,还未枪毙就已经气绝。他的只有大约十岁的儿子Pancho Villa庞邱维亚愤恨不过,刺死了一个卫兵,之后一个人走上齐瓦瓦的山区,做强盗。
      成年后,维亚Pancho Villa成为一大群土匪的头子,手下有数百跟随者。他们都有马匹,枪械,到处去攻击地主及当权派。例如到法院劫持犯人,将法官及他们的一伙人用他们对付犯人的方式,将他们处死。他们的口号是:你们杀死一个peon (农人/我们的人),我们就杀死你们两个。

      In this fictionalized biography, young Pancho Villa takes to the hills after killing an overseer in revenge for his father's death. In 1910, he befriends American reporter Johnny Sykes. Then a meeting with visionary Francisco Madero transforms Villa from an avenging bandit to a revolutionary general. To the tune of 'La Cucaracha,' his armies sweep Mexico. After victory, Villa's bandit-like disregard for human life forces Madero to exile him. But Madero's fall brings Villa back to raise the people against a new tyrant...

  • 霹雳 Thunderbolt

    类型:剧情, 黑色电影

    导演:约瑟夫·冯·斯登堡   编剧:查理·富特曼

    主演:乔治·班克罗夫特, ·, 理查德·阿伦, 塔利·马绍尔, 尤金妮亚·贝塞雷尔, James Spottswood, 乔治·欧文

      A criminal known as Thunderbolt is imprisoned and facing execution. Into the next cell is placed Bob Morgan, an innocent man who has been framed and who is in love with Thunderbolt's girl, without knowing of their relationship. Thunderbolt hopes to stave off the execution long enough to kill young Morgan for romancing his girl.

  • 最危险的游戏 The Most Dangerous Game

    类型:悬疑, 惊悚, 恐怖, 冒险

    导演:欧内斯特·B·舍德萨克, 欧文·皮切尔   编剧:詹姆斯·阿什莫尔·克里尔曼, 理查德·康奈尔

    主演:乔尔·麦克雷, ·, 罗伯特·阿姆斯特朗, 莱斯利·班克斯, 诺贝·约翰逊, 史蒂夫·克莱门特, 威廉·B·戴维森

      改编自Chard Connell的冒险小说。一艘巡洋舰因遭遇失事而被迫停靠在一个偏僻的小岛附近,巡洋舰上的三名乘客安全地抵达小岛。这个小岛是一个神秘的人Count Zaroff所拥有的,他邀请三人在小岛上逗留。Count Zaroff喜欢打猎,但他只猎杀的是人类!……

  • 塞利尼事件 The Affairs of Cellini

    类型:剧情, 喜剧, 历史

    导演:格雷戈里·拉·卡瓦   编剧:贝斯·美瑞戴斯, Edwin Justus Mayer

    主演:康斯坦斯·贝内特, 弗雷德里克·马奇, 弗兰克·摩根 Frank Morgan, ·

      The 16th-century sculptor woos the Duchess of Florence despite the duke.

  • 宾虚 Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ

    类型:剧情, 爱情, 冒险

    导演:弗雷德·尼勃罗, 查尔斯·布莱宾, 克里斯蒂·卡本纳, 约瑟夫·贾德森·科恩, 雷克斯·英格拉姆   编剧:路易斯·华莱士, 琼恩·马西斯, 凯里·威尔逊, 贝斯·美瑞戴斯, 凯瑟琳·希利克, H·H·考德威尔

    主演:Carlotta Monti, 柯丽恩·摩尔, Claude Payton, 玛丽·碧克馥, Satini Pualoa, Leonora Summers, 汤姆·泰勒, ·, Christiane

      一场意外让宾虚(拉蒙·诺瓦罗 Ramon Novarro 饰)沦为了可以被随意买卖的奴隶,他被卖到了一艘兵舰上,成为了一名水手。某日,兵舰遭遇海盗的袭击,就在这生死存亡的紧要关头,身强体壮的宾虚成功挽救了兵舰司令官的性命,司令官感谢宾虚的救命之恩,不仅赋予了他自由,还将其收为养子。
      之后,宾虚成为了一名角斗士,在竞技场里的英勇表现很快便为他赢得了名声与荣誉,然而,他的扶摇直上亦遭到了旧有梅瑟拉(弗朗西斯X·布什曼 Francis X. Bushman 饰)的妒忌。梅瑟拉提出要和宾虚来一场战车竞赛,实则想要暗害宾虚,没想到奸计没有得逞,自己的战车却翻倒在地。

  • 赌门深似海 Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Dip in the Pool

    类型:剧情, 悬疑, 犯罪

    导演:阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克   编剧:Robert C. Dennis, 罗尔德·达尔

    主演:阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克, 基南·怀恩, ·

      William Botibol is a compulsive gambler. While on a cruise he enters a betting pool to guess the number of miles the ship will travel in the course of twenty four hours. William gains some inside information when he learns that the ship is going to slow down to avoid an upcoming storm. Unfortunately, the storm passes, and the ship continues to speed on its course. He decides to...

  • 吉迪恩的号角 Gideon's Trumpet

    类型:剧情, 犯罪

    导演:Robert E. Collins   编剧:Anthony Lewis, 大卫·W·林特尔斯

    主演:亨利·方达, 何塞·费勒, 约翰·豪斯曼, ·, 山姆·谢斐, 迪恩·贾格尔, 尼古拉斯·普赖尔, 威廉·普林斯, 莱恩·史密斯, 理查德·麦肯泽

      根据 Clarence Gideon 的真实事件改编。
      True story of Clarence Gideon's fight to be appointed counsel at the expense of the state. This landmark case led to the Supreme Court's decision which extended this right to all criminal defendants. Written by Steve Walker <swalker@ionet.net>

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