
  • 東京組曲2020

    类型:剧情片电影, 纪录片电影

    导演:三岛有纪子   编剧:

    主演:畠山智行, 平山りの, 舟木幸, 辺見和行, 松本晃実, 宮崎優里, 八代真央, 山口改, 吉岡そんれい, 荒野哲朗, 池田良, 大高洋子, 長田真英, 加茂美穂子, 小西贵大, 小松広季, 佐佐木史帆,

      A state of emergency was declared for the first time under the Law Concerning Special Measures against COVID-19, on April 7th, in Japan. It has changed everyone’s life. The film is based on the actual experience of the film director, Mishima Yukiko on April 22nd, 2020, and was filmed by 20 actors. This is Mishima's first documentary film after leaving NHK, although she has been...