
  • 春光侠 けっこう仮面

    类型:喜剧片电影, 动作片电影, 科幻片电影, 奇幻片电影

    导演:早川光   编剧:永井豪(原作), 早川光

    主演:藤宙美, 关根勤, 渡边路恵, , 永田真树子, 山本昌平

      First film in the live action series based on the shÅnen manga by Go Nagai.
      Despite the nudity and all the teaching staff being sexual predators, it is not an x-rated film, effendis: its a parody of them.
      And the s&m torture is humiliating rather than painful.
      And the "comic" feel to the action is maintained throughout.
      The movie opens with the "resurrection" of the dastardly h...