
  • 1990年 自由妇人 1990년 자유부인


    导演:朴在镐   编剧:卢孝祯

    主演:高斗心, , 김흥기

      Sung-young is bored with her life with her husband Tae-yeon and daughter Seul-ah. When her divorced friend Yoon-ju, who runs a publishing company, asks her to do a story, she gladly takes the assignment. In search of the story She travels paired with third rate photographer Chun-ho. Through his impulsive ways, she soon finds herself squirming out of the boundaries that...

  • 새벽외출


    导演:최청운   编剧:최청운

    主演:郑栋焕, , 정낙희

      Due to the director's insistence, Eun-young continues her performance in a play despite that the audience and content are removed from reality. Sung-yoon, Eun-young's live-in boyfriend, is a pessimistic man of solitude and doubt. He gets his students to go to her performance. Sung-yoon wants Eun-young to get praised from an objective source. However, Eun-young is upset...

  • 冬日浪人 겨울 나그네


    导演:郭志均   编剧:崔仁浩

    主演:安圣基, 李美淑, , 李慧英

      Starting his career as assistant director for famous names like Im Kwon Taek and Bae Chang Ho, Kwak Ji Kyun made a splash in 1986 with Wanderer in Winter. For his debut film, Kwak teamed up with Bae Chang Ho's longtime collaborator Choi In Ho, who wrote Bae's most successful films of the 1980s like Whale Hunting, Deep Blue Night, and Do the Right Thing. The film also features B...

  • 夏天啊,拜托了 여름아 부탁해

    类型:剧情, 家庭

    导演:成俊海   编剧:具智媛

    主演:林彩元, 孙钟范, 金基利, 徐碧浚, 裴优熙, 裴俊恩, 김가란, 金凡振, 송민재, 李英恩, 尹善宇, 李彩英, 金思权, 金惠玉, 罗惠美, 金山浩, 李汉伟, , 文喜京, 金艺玲

      《拜托了,夏天啊》(韩语:여름아 부탁해),为韩国KBS 1TV于2019年4月29日起播出的日日连续剧,由《Hi! School - Love On》成俊海导演与《明日也晴朗》具智元作家合作打造。此剧讲述即使家庭成员之间有时会很讨厌大家,但最终会因为大家是一家人而重归于好的快乐、温馨家庭故事。

  • 위험한 향기(부부)


    导演:高荣男   编剧:이진모

    主演:, 李慧英, 박순애

      Seok-wu, an interior designer, meets a pretty woman, Hye-young. Their one night stand puts him in a trap. His wife and daughter begin to suffer from delusion of persecution and although Seok-wu, fearing for his family, tries to end it, things get messier. Hye-young fakes pregnancy to hold onto him and torments his wife Mi-kyung. Seok-wu, unable to stand it, confesses e...

  • 朝鲜王朝五百年 조선왕조 500년


    导演:李丙勋   编剧:

    主演:崔秀钟, 金容健, 李辉香, 蔡时那, 崔真实, 金喜爱, 林东真, 嚴侑信, 金惠子, 柳仁村, 崔尚勋, 赵卿焕, 李惠淑, 李熙道, 元美京, 樸順愛, 钱忍和, , 李政吉, 金英蘭, 金茂生

      1983年 《楸洞宮大人》出演:李政吉(太宗李芳遠)、金茂生(太祖李成桂)、金英蘭(元敬王后)、金海淑(定安王后)、李豪宰(鄭道傳)
      1983年-1984年 《樹大根深》 出演:漢仁守(世宗李祹)、金姈愛(昭憲王后)、吉用祐(蔣英實)
      1984年 《雪中梅》出演:高斗心(仁粹大妃)、鄭惠先(貞熹王后)、崔明吉(慈順大妃)、李美淑(張綠水)、嚴侑信(昇平府大夫人)、吉用祐(成宗李娎)
      1985年 《風蘭》出演:金惠子(文定王后)、金英蘭(鄭蘭貞)、柳仁村(趙光祖)、崔尚勳(中宗李懌)、漢仁守(尹元衡)、...