
  • 平安夜杀人夜5 Silent Night, Deadly Night 5: The Toy Maker

    类型:科幻片电影, 恐怖片电影

    导演:Martin Kitrosser   编剧:Martin Kitrosser, 布莱恩·尤兹纳

    主演:Oscar, William Thorne, Jane Higginson, 米基·鲁尼, 克林特·霍华德, Van Quattro, Tracy Fraim, 尼丝·亨特, Conan Yuzna,

      A young boy sees his father killed by a toy that was anonymously delivered to his house. After that, he is too traumatized to speak, and his mother must deal with both him and the loss of her husband. Meanwhile, a toy maker named Joe Peto builds some suspicious-looking toys, and a mysterious man creeps around both the toy store and the boy's house...but who is responsible for t...