
  • 不甜马丁娜 Dry Martina

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影

    导演:Che Sandoval   编剧:Che Sandoval

    主演:Fernando Guzzoni, Humberto Miranda, Joaquin Mussio, Sergio Nicloux, ·, 帕特里西奥·孔特雷拉斯, Dindi Jane


  • 不要向下看 No mires para abajo

    类型:剧情片电影, 爱情片电影, 伦理片电影

    导演:艾里西欧·苏比耶拉   编剧:艾里西欧·苏比耶拉

    主演:雨果·阿拉纳, ·, Mónica Galán, Leandro Stivelman

      年轻人埃洛(Leandro Stivelman 饰)踩高跷、套公仔,干着一份平常且卑微的工作。父亲的死(Hugo Arana 饰)给他的生活带来巨大的触动,从出殡那天开始,埃洛仿佛随时可以看到父亲的身影。而实际上,他罹患了失眠症,夜晚经常无意识地四处走动。
      某晚,埃洛照例梦游,却不慎从邻居家的天窗跌落下去,摔在性感女子艾尔维拉(Antonella Costa 饰)的床上。艾尔维拉暑假期间来奶奶家中度假,通过几天的交往,两个年轻人彼此喜欢上了对方。在艾尔维拉的引导下,埃洛更经历了一场奇异的爱情梦幻之旅……

  • 比你们强多了 Soy mucho mejor que vos

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影

    导演:Che Sandoval   编剧:Che Sandoval

    主演:塞巴斯蒂安·布拉姆斯, ·, Nicolás Alaluf

      In an urban comedy, Cristobal (40), a father and businessman, sees how his wife is awarded a scholarship and moves to Spain, wanting to take him and their children along with her. Humiliated by this, he disappears and wanders throughout Santiago looking for sex. After a pathetic night filled with failures, during which he is unable to forget his conflict, the time to chose shal...