
  • 欢乐一家亲 第六季 Frasier Season 6


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:凯尔希·格兰莫 Kelsey Grammer, 约翰·马奥尼, ·· David Hyde Pierce, 佩里·吉普林 Peri Gilpin, 约翰·马奥尼 John Mahoney

      Eminent Boston Psychiatrist, Frasier Crane, last seen gracing the bars of Cheers has left his life there to start afresh in Seattle. He now has a spot as a popular radio Psychiatrist, giving him the chance to spread words of wit and wisdom to the masses. He shares his apartment with his retired cop father, Martin, and his father's physical care assistant, Daphne Moon. Add in br...

  • 欢乐一家亲 第八季 Frasier Season 8


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:凯尔希·格兰莫 Kelsey Grammer, 约翰·马奥尼, ·· David Hyde Pierce, 佩里·吉普林 Peri Gilpin, 约翰·马奥尼 John Mahoney

      Eminent Boston Psychiatrist, Frasier Crane, last seen gracing the bars of Cheers has left his life there to start afresh in Seattle. He now has a spot as a popular radio Psychiatrist, giving him the chance to spread words of wit and wisdom to the masses. He shares his apartment with his retired cop father, Martin, and his father's physical care assistant, Daphne Moon. Add in br...

  • 求爱X档案 The Mating Habits of the Earthbound Human

    类型:喜剧, 科幻

    导演:Jeff Abugov   编剧:

    主演:卡曼·艾尔克塔拉, ··, Adam Abugov

      An anthropologist from an alien planet provides voice-over commentary for a documentary look at human courtship, mating, and reproduction: "complex, perverse, tragically beautiful: the earthbound human." The commentary gets some of the details comically wrong (explaining the slap on a newborn's back: "they don't like the looks of the child so they beat it"), but gets right the ...

  • 欢乐一家亲 第四季 Frasier Season 4


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:凯尔希·格兰莫, 简·丽芙丝 Jane Leeves, ·· David Hyde Pierce, 佩里·吉普林 Peri Gilpin, 约翰·马奥尼 John Mahoney

      Eminent Boston Psychiatrist, Frasier Crane, last seen gracing the bars of Cheers has left his life there to start afresh in Seattle. He now has a spot as a popular radio Psychiatrist, giving him the chance to spread words of wit and wisdom to the masses. He shares his apartment with his retired cop father, Martin, and his father's physical care assistant, Daphne Moon. Add in br...

  • 欢乐一家亲 第三季 Frasier Season 3


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:凯尔希·格兰莫, 简·丽芙丝, ··, 佩里·吉普林, 约翰·马奥尼

      Eminent Boston Psychiatrist, Frasier Crane, last seen gracing the bars of Cheers has left his life there to start afresh in Seattle. He now has a spot as a popular radio Psychiatrist, giving him the chance to spread words of wit and wisdom to the masses. He shares his apartment with his retired cop father, Martin, and his father's physical care assistant, Daphne Moon. Add in br...

  • 欢乐一家亲 第七季 Frasier Season 7


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:凯尔希·格兰莫 Kelsey Grammer, ··, ·· David Hyde Pierce, 佩里·吉普林 Peri Gilpin, 约翰·马奥尼 John Mahoney

      Eminent Boston Psychiatrist, Frasier Crane, last seen gracing the bars of Cheers has left his life there to start afresh in Seattle. He now has a spot as a popular radio Psychiatrist, giving him the chance to spread words of wit and wisdom to the masses. He shares his apartment with his retired cop father, Martin, and his father's physical care assistant, Daphne Moon. Add in br...

  • 欢乐一家亲 第十一季 Frasier Season 11

    类型:喜剧, 爱情

    导演:David Lee   编剧:David Angell, Peter Casey

    主演:凯尔希·格兰莫, 简·丽芙丝, ··, 佩里·吉普林, 约翰·马奥尼


  • 当我们崛起时 When We Rise

    类型:剧情, 同性

    导演:格斯·范·桑特, 迪·里斯, 托马斯·施拉梅, 达斯汀·兰斯·布莱克   编剧:达斯汀·兰斯·布莱克

    主演:乔纳森·梅杰斯, 丹尼斯·欧哈拉, 菲奥娜·道里夫, ··, 罗伯·莱纳, 宝蕾·佩雷特, T·R·奈特, 威廉姆·赛德勒, 理查德·希夫, 菲利西亚·拉斯海德, 玛丽·麦克科马克, 盖·

      美国公共电视网ABC于日前正式购得,讲述同志权益斗争的八小时迷你剧《当我们崛起》(When We Rise,暂译)。美国大导格斯·范·桑特将执导该剧两小时时长的首播集,《米尔克》编剧达斯汀·兰斯·布莱克则撰写本片剧本,这也是两人时隔8年后的再度合作。该剧目前已在紧锣密鼓地筹备中。

  • 朱莉娅 第一季 Julia Season 1

    类型:剧情, 传记

    导演:珍妮·拉马克, 查尔斯·麦克道格, 埃丽卡·丹顿, 查尔斯·麦克道格尔   编剧:丹尼尔·戈德法布, 娜塔莉亚·泰梅斯根

    主演:Brittany Bradford, Joe Cali, 弗兰·克朗茨, 杰弗森·梅斯, 特里·霍兰德, 罗伯特·乔伊, 詹姆斯·克伦威尔, 朱迪斯·赖特, 莎拉·兰卡夏尔, 玛丽·安·绍布, 罗布·勒维克,

      故事灵感来源于厨师、作家及电视节目主持人Julia Child的非凡人生,以及她具有开创性的电视节目《法兰西厨师》。通过Julia和她乐观敢闯的态度,本剧将探索美国历史上一个不断发展的时期:公共电视作为一种新的社会制度出现,女权主义和妇女运动,名人的本质,以及美国的文化发展。就核心而言,本剧刻画了一段充满爱的婚姻中,变化且复杂的作用力。

  • 辛普森一家 第二十六季 The Simpsons Season 26


    导演:兰斯·克雷默, 大卫·西尔弗曼, 斯蒂文·迪恩·摩尔, 查克·希茨, 马克·柯克兰, 马修·方南, 马修·纳斯奇克, 鲍勃·安德森, 罗伯·奥利弗, 克里斯·克莱门茨, 迈克尔·玻尔奇诺, Timothy Bailey   编剧:马特·塞尔曼, 阿尔·让, 大卫·米尔金, Jon Kern, 贾德·阿帕图, Neil Campbell, 迈克尔·普莱斯, 马克·威尔摩尔, 约翰·弗林克, 马特·格罗宁, 詹姆斯·L·布鲁克斯, 萨姆·西蒙, 乔尔·H·科恩, 杰夫·维斯特布鲁克, 比尔·欧登柯克, Stephanie Gillis, Valentina Garza, J·斯图尔特·伯恩斯, 卡罗琳·奥麦恩, 罗伯·拉泽布尼克, William Wright, 蒂姆·朗

    主演:卡特·迪莉, 李·厄米, 格伦·克洛斯, 卡里斯·范·侯登, 约翰尼·马因斯, 乔·曼特纳, 艾伯特·布鲁克斯, 贾斯汀·罗兰, 克里斯·埃杰利, 唐·赫兹菲尔德, 杰基·梅森, 凯尔希·格兰莫,


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