
  • 西方 Lagerfeuer


    导演:克里斯蒂安·施沃霍夫   编剧:海德·施瓦霍夫, Julia Franck

    主演:Angelika Böttiger, Winnie Böwe, Indre Bogdan, Diana Maria Breuer, Julia Franck, ·, 斯特凡·兰帕迪斯, 耶迪斯

      We are in East Berlin, 1978. It’s summer, three years after Wassilly’s death. Nelly’s boyfriend and Alexei’s father died in a car accident in Russia. Since he is dead, Nelly wants to leave too. Away from the GDR, to leave the grief and the memories behind. To get a fresh start. That should be possible in the West, or so Nelly believes.

  • 在世界转角遇见爱 Светът е голям и спасение дебне отвсякъде

    类型:剧情, 家庭

    导演:斯特凡·科曼达雷夫   编剧:Yurii Dachev, 斯特凡·科曼达雷夫

    主演:米基·马诺伊洛维奇, ·, 赫里斯托·穆塔夫奇埃夫, Ana Papadopulu

      一个年过半百却精神矍烁的老人(米基马诺洛维克 Miki Manojlovic 饰)出现在躺在医院因车祸而失去记忆的青年亚历山( Carlo Ljubek 饰)在的身边,他自称是亚历山大的外公

  • 跳破了的舞鞋 Die zertanzten Schuhe


    导演:Wolfgang Eissler   编剧:Gabriele Kreis

    主演:·, Inez Björg David, 迪特·哈勒沃登, 安德烈亚斯·施密特, Ruth Glöss, 扎尼娜·弗雷格, Luise von Finckh

      King has 12 girls. Dancing shoes they wear every night are getting old. King can not fathom what is going on and what do each night of the princess declares that will groom young to explain this old shoes. But no candidate can solve this mystery and stay asleep at night. One day, a poor soldier would volunteer for the job.

  • 沉睡的真相 Schlafende Hunde

    类型:惊悚, 犯罪

    导演:斯蒂芬·拉坎特, 弗兰基斯卡·梅莱茨齐   编剧:克里斯多夫·但斯达德

    主演:马克思·雷迈特, 露易斯·冯·芬克, ·, 佩莉·鲍麦斯特, 安东尼奥·万内克

      This new project revolves around a fallen top police officer and an aspiring young public prosecutor who have two very different motives for opening a closed murder case. But when they do, it turns out to be Pandora’s box. As the bloody trail seems to lead them ever deeper into the police and the justice system, both parties suspect a conspiracy. Or does it all come back to a t...

  • 比特 Beat

    类型:剧情, 惊悚

    导演:   编剧:Norbert Eberlein

    主演:伊万·舍甫多夫, 奥利·比加尔克, 弗拉基米尔·布尔拉科夫, 艾莉森·雷·罗森菲尔德, 雅各布·比伯, Dela Gakpo, 杰尼斯·纽沃纳, 卡洛琳·赫弗斯, 克里斯蒂安·贝克尔, 汉诺·科夫勒,


  • 卢娜 Luna

    类型:动作, 惊悚

    导演:Khaled Kaissar   编剧:Ali Zojaji, Ulrike Schölles

    主演:丽莎·维卡里, ·, 布兰科·托莫维奇

      When Luna's family is killed in cold blood on a mountain vacation, she barely escapes, and has to discover she's been living a lie: Her dad was a Russian secret agent, and her family was just a front. Luna has the opportunity to flee the country. But first she wants revenge.

  • 最后一次心动 Kammerflimmern

    类型:剧情, 爱情

    导演:德利克·荷斯曼   编剧:德利克·荷斯曼

    主演:Deniz, Karin Eisele, 克里斯托夫·弗兰肯, 约翰娜·加斯多夫, 马提亚斯·施维赫夫, 杰西卡·施瓦茨, 弗洛里安·卢卡斯, Jan Gregor Kremp, 毕碧安娜·贝格,

      忧郁的金发男孩“喀拉”(马蒂亚斯·施魏格霍费尔 Matthias Schweighöfer饰)是名救死扶伤的专业救护人员。他善良敏感,总是独来独往。脸上那道醒目的疤痕,总是不可磨灭的提醒着喀拉七岁那年发生的严重车祸。车祸让喀拉失去了所有的亲人,也成为了他永久的伤痛。在救护工作中,他总是会为那些失之交臂的生命而自责悲痛,直到在一场意外的救援上遇见了名为“十一月”的孕妇(洁西卡·史瓦兹 Jessica Schwarz饰)。她总是在喀拉的梦境中出现,对他敞开温暖的怀抱。很快,两人相爱了,十一月让喀拉懂得了什么才是幸福。然而在把十一月送往医院生产的途中,不幸的命运却给了喀拉一个意想不到的结局。