
  • 法医病学 Forensickness


    导演:Chloé Galibert-Laîné   编剧:


      In an attempt to analyse Chris Kennedy's 'Watching the Detectives', a researcher dives into a massive archive of media produced after the Boston attacks. Her online wanderings offer a performative exploration of the history of critical thinking and the ruthless politics of truth production.

  • 观看《他人之痛》 Watching the Pain of Others

    类型:纪录片电影, 短片电影

    导演:·-   编剧:克洛伊·加利贝特-莱妮

    主演:·-, 潘妮·琳恩

      In this deeply personal video diary, a young researcher tries to make sense of her fascination for the film “The Pain of Others” by Penny Lane. A deep dive into the discomforting world of YouTube and online conspiracies, that challenges traditional notions of what documentary cinema is, or should be.