
  • 逐月 Chasing the Moon


    导演:·   编剧:罗伯特·斯通


      An unprecedented look at the decade-long odyssey to land a man on the moon that pulls back the curtain on the familiar narrative of the moonshot that we think we know, revealing a fascinating stew of scientific innovation, political calculation, media spectacle, visionary impulses and personal drama.

  • 比基尼电台 Radio Bikini

    类型:纪录片, 历史

    导演:·   编剧:

    主演:Kilon Bauno, John Smitherman

      It starts with a live radio broadcast from the Bikini Atoll a few days before it is annihilated by a nuclear test. Shows great footage from these times and tells the story of the US Navy Sailors who were exposed to radioactive fallout. One interviewed sailor suffered grotesquely swollen limbs and he is shown being interviewed with enormous left arm and hand.