
  • 家庭幸福 Family Happiness

    类型:剧情, 短片

    导演:·   编剧:爱丽丝·恩格勒特

    主演:本·卫肖, ·, 马克·布拉德肖

      Orphans Romilly and Fina Wells, separately meet their old idol Jay Masbin formerly of boy band "Boyz Believe" with whom both have charged, though ultimately upsetting experiences. They spend the night in each other's company and perhaps are soothed. Family Happiness is a story about calming down.

  • 不良行为 Bad Behaviour

    类型:剧情, 喜剧

    导演:·   编剧:

    主演:詹妮弗·康纳利, 本·卫肖, ·, 安娜·斯科特尼, 达莎·内克拉索娃, 卡兰·吉尔, 马龙·威廉姆斯

    同时,她也在应对自己与担任特技动作演员的女儿(· 饰)亲近却多舛的关系。