
  • 大肆


    导演:张飞虎, 叶君, 章轩, 胡晓白, 刘硕, , 凌云, 苏楠   编剧:


      “清华人是怎样生活的?清华毕业生是怎样找工作的?在这个片子里,你都能找到答案。” 《大肆》主要编导之一叶君同学说,“从片中你不仅能看到鲜活的人物、精彩的生活,也能领略到清华独特的教育方式,感受到个人成长与社会发展的互动。”

      This film follows of typical group of students over the course of their final year at Tsinghua University, one of the most prestigious universities in China. As they confront the prospect of graduation, the students are going through a special period of their lives. It is a time for them to bid farewell to an age of innocence. The happiness and sorrow they once shared will shortly be gone, but the friendship and the memories will last forever in their hearts. This year is not easy for them, but they will shine through it finally. This is the first documentary made in China to focus on this subject. What makes it particularly unique is that it was made by the students themselves under the direction of their teacher, Lei Jianjun.