
  • 波比的初恋 Bobbycrush

    类型:剧情片电影, 短片电影, 同性片电影

    导演:Cam Archer   编剧:Cam Archer


      Bobby Stone is 13 and in love. Problem is that he's in love with his best friend Dylan and Dylan doesn't feel the same way.

  • Echo of Everything


    导演:Cam Christiansen   编剧:


      Despite the fact that human life does not depend on it, why do cultures worldwide listen to and make music? For Spanish poet Federico García Lorca, the answer lies in a supernatural spirit called Duende, a transformative force that enters the musician and audience alike. Guided by the spirit of Lorca and the figure of British musician Andy Curtis (dressed as the somnambulist fr...

  • 我所认识的凶猛老虎 Wild Tigers I Have Known


    导演:Cam Archer   编剧:Cam Archer

    主演:Malcolm Stumpf, Patrick White, Max Paradise

      这部影片是有史以来我看过的最具渲染力、最有煽情效果的phone sex。整部电影让人看得“起鸡皮疙瘩”。而且两个主角并没有动手“做”,完全只有”说”,但煽动性超强~
      小男主角有让人非常过目难忘的表现。Malcolm Stumpf,这是他的第二部电影,第一部是很多前的“The Next Best Thing”。现在的他也才16岁,出道时的他10岁。你要说他美型,其实也还好;你要说他阴柔,其实也还好。但他在电影里的演出,就是会让你完全相信,精神极近解离分裂的女体化,在视觉上是有造成某些冲击的。我不是同性恋,他口口声声这么说;但他其实也不确定,他被他心中所认识的那头猛虎所吞没。
      大男主角就真的很俊美了,美国似乎永远不缺这个年纪的新兴男星,Patrick White,...