
  • 高于一切 This Above All

    类型:剧情, 爱情, 战争

    导演:安纳托尔·李维克   编剧:R·C·谢里夫

    主演:泰隆·鲍华, 琼·芳登, 托马斯·米切尔

      Although she comes from an aristocratic family, beautiful Prudence Cathaway defies convention by joining the WAAFs and becoming romantically involved with an AWOL soldier.

  • Police de Caractères


    导演:Gabriel Aghion   编剧:Eugénie Dard, Charlotte Joulia, Sandrine Lucchini, Matthieu Savignac

    主演:Clémentine Célarlé, Joffrey Platel, Mariama Gueye, 马克桑斯·达奈-弗伟尔

      Thomas Letellier, owner of a cannery in North of France, is found dead. Captain Louise Poquelin investigates with her new partner Captain Etienne de Beaumont, an aristocratic cop. The explosive tandem will prove to be incredibly effective.

  • 公理 Axiom


    导演:延斯·延松   编剧:延斯·延松

    主演:Moritz von Treuenfels, Zejhun Demirov, Ben Plunkett-Reynolds, Julian Marcel Sark

      Julius is an eloquent young museum attendant loved by his friends, colleagues and his girlfriend.
      One day he invites his colleagues on a sailing trip on his aristocratic family’s boat. But something goes wrong. Julius is not who he seems to be.

  • 上流生活 Life Is Toff


    导演:Imogen Willcock   编剧:

    主演:Arthur Fulford, Edmund Fulford, Francis Fulford, Humphrey Fulford, Matilda Fulford

      Factual entertainment series following the eccentric and aristocratic Fulford family at home on their 800-year-old country estate, as the children grapple with coming-of-age.

  • 吸血鬼之吻 The Kiss of the Vampire

    类型:剧情, 爱情, 惊悚, 恐怖

    导演:唐·夏普   编剧:Anthony Hinds

    主演:克利福德·埃文斯, Edward de Souza, 诺埃尔·威尔曼

      When car trouble strands a honeymooning couple in a small Southern European village, an aristocratic family in the area reaches out to help them with sinister consequences.