
  • Hell House: The Book of Samiel


    导演:Jason D. Morris   编剧:Jason D. Morris,William Martin

    主演:Michael Anthony Carlisi, Sheila Kraics, Geof Libby

      Before the beginning of time demons covered the darkness. After humans took possession of the earths several books came into existence. Books of knowledge with pages containing rituals and incantations. One for each of the god demons. These pages would be used to banish the dark things that lurk in the shadows. The books were passed down through the centuries among an elite sec...

  • 博格曼 Borgman

    类型:悬疑片电影, 惊悚片电影

    导演:亚历斯·冯·华麦丹   编剧:亚历斯·冯·华麦丹

    主演:扬·贝弗特, 哈德维奇·米尼斯, 杰罗恩·佩瑟瓦尔, 亚历斯·冯·华麦丹, 汤姆·德威斯布莱尔, 莎拉·约尔特·蒂特莱芙瑟, 安妮特·马尔赫毕

      Camiel Borgman突然出现在某个富有的郊区,敲响了一户小康之家的大门。他是谁?他代表梦想、魔鬼、讽喻,还是代表了我们的恐惧?