
  • 马布斯博士的一千只眼 Die 1000 Augen des Dr. Mabuse

    类型:悬疑, 惊悚, 犯罪

    导演:弗里茨·朗   编剧:弗里茨·朗, 海因茨·奥斯卡·武蒂希, 扬·费特克, 诺贝特·雅克

    主演:道恩·艾达丝, 彼得·范·埃克, 杰特·弗罗比

      Wiesbaden. La polizia criminale è in allarme per una serie di delitti misteriosi che hanno come punto in comune l'albergo Luxor. L'opinione pubblica vede negli avvenimenti la mano dello scomparso dottor Mabuse. Il commissario Kras indaga sullo strano omicidio, avvenuto con un ago di acciaio, del telecronista Barter (fatto denunciato dal cieco chiaroveggente Cornelius) e, durant...

  • 马布斯博士的遗嘱 Le testament du Dr. Mabuse

    类型:悬疑, 恐怖, 犯罪

    导演:弗里茨·朗, René Sti   编剧:弗里茨·朗, René Sti

    主演:鲁道夫·克莱恩-鲁格, Thomy Bourdelle, Karl Meixner, 吉姆·热拉尔德, Monique Rolland, Maurice Maillot, Ginette Gaubert, René Ferté, 雷蒙·科尔迪, 丹尼尔·门代尔

      Author: Mozjoukine (Mozjoukine@yahoo.com.au) from Australia
      Fritz Lang's Das TESTAMENT des Dr.MABUSE

  • Mabuses Motive


    导演:Hans Günther Pflaum   编剧:

    主演:Fritz Lang

  • 马布斯博士的遗嘱 Das Testament des Dr. Mabuse

    类型:悬疑, 犯罪, 奇幻

    导演:弗里茨·朗, René Sti   编剧:诺贝特·雅克, 弗里茨·朗, René Sti, 特娅·冯·哈堡

    主演:克劳斯·波尔, 格哈德·比纳特, Josef Dahmen, 格奥尔格·约翰, 卡尔·普拉滕, 保罗·雷科普夫, 弗朗茨·斯坦, 路德维希·施托塞尔, Eduard Wesener, 布鲁诺·齐纳尔, Ginette Gaubert, Heinrich Gotho, Paul Henckels, Michael von Newlinsky, René Ferté, Heinrich Gretler, 奥托·维尔尼克, Marcel Merminod, 雷蒙·科尔迪, Georges Paulais, 西奥多·卢斯, 丹尼尔·门代尔, Hadrian Maria Netto, Adolf E. Licho, 奥斯卡·拜赖吉, 鲁道夫·克莱恩-鲁格, Thomy Bourdelle, 古斯塔夫·迪斯尔, 鲁道夫·申德勒, 吉姆·热拉尔德, Oskar Höcker, 西奥·林根, Monique Rolland, Maurice Maillot, Camilla Spira, Wera Liessem, Karl Meixner

      《马布斯博士的遗嘱》是1933年由弗里茨·朗执导的恐怖片,Rudolf Klein-Rogge、Thomy Bourdelle等主演。讲述地下犯罪集团头目被监禁直至死亡,他的命令一直都有人执行的故事。

  • 玩家马布斯博士 Dr. Mabuse, der Spieler

    类型:悬疑, 惊悚, 犯罪

    导演:弗里茨·朗   编剧:诺贝特·雅克, 弗里茨·朗, 特娅·冯·哈堡

    主演:朱利叶斯·法尔肯施泰因, 莉迪娅·波捷奇纳, 尤利乌斯·E·赫尔曼, 鲁道夫·克莱恩-鲁格, 艾于德·埃格德·尼森, 格特鲁德·韦尔克, 阿弗莱德·阿贝尔, 伯恩哈德·格茨克, 保罗·里希特, Robert Forster-Larrinaga, 汉斯·阿达尔贝特·施莱托, 格奥尔格·约翰, 查理·普菲, 格蕾特·贝格尔


  • 面具苹果 Applecart

    类型:剧情, 恐怖, 犯罪

    导演:Dustin Mills   编剧:Dustin Mills

    主演:Joni Durian, Allison Egan, Haley Madison, Josh Miller, Dave Parker, Erin R. Ryan, Brandon Salkil

      Experimental b&w anthology film with no dialogue consisting of four gruesome psychosexual stories featuring a masked cast. A woman hates her family. An elderly person is abused. A woman hates her dad. A nut abducts his female co-worker.

  • Silent Bloodnight

    类型:恐怖, 犯罪

    导演:Stefan Peczelt,, Elmar Weihsmann   编剧:

    主演:Monica Baci.

      Three teenagers, who sexually abused a mentally retarded girl, are being stalked and brutally murdered by an unknown serial killer seeking vengeance......

  • 食物链 Food Chains


    导演:Sanjay Rawal   编剧:Erin Barnett, Sanjay Rawal

    主演:埃里克·施洛瑟, 伊娃·朗格利亚, Dolores Huerta

      Food Chains exposes the abuse in farm labour and reveals the forces behind this exploitation via the narrative of a brave group of tomato pickers in Florida, the Coalition of Immokalee Workers, who are battling the global supermarket industry.

  • 我的父亲的房间 My Father’s Room

    类型:动画, 短片

    导演:張娜麗Nari JANG   编剧:


      She was abused by her father during childhood. Since he left, the pain and anger had begun to fade. One day, unexpectedly, she was struck by a revelation about her father's life that cast her feelings about him into confusion.

  • 被偷走的青春:入侵校园的邪教 Stolen Youth: Inside the Cult at Sarah Lawrence

    类型:纪录片, 犯罪

    导演:   编剧:


      Former students at Sarah Lawrence College in 2010 fell under the influence of Larry Ray in what was mind control and abuse in plain sight.

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