
  • 探索频道:911—塔倒之后


    导演:国家地理   编剧:


      9/11: After The Towers Fell is the definitive look at the aftermath of 9/11. The most devastating terrorist atrocity in the history of the United States bowed and bloodied the nation. But out of that tragedy rose the people of America like an unstoppable tide ready to help in whatever way they could, leading to hundreds of tales of heroism. With fi...

  • 脆弱的变化911:美国策略 Loose Change 9/11: An American Coup

    类型:纪录片, 历史, 战争

    导演:Dylan Avery   编剧:

    主演:Daniel Sunjata

      With the departure of the Bush Administration and the arrival of an era of transparency, opportunities are arising for the disclosure of new information that may shed more light on the events that took place before and after 9/11/2001. Dramatically narrated by Daniel Sunjata of FX s Rescue Me, and an outspoken advocate for the First Responders, Loose Change 9/11: An American Co...

  • 911:生命的坠落 9/11: The Falling Man


    导演:Henry Singer   编剧:Tom Junod


      September 11 2001 was a day of many incredible and shocking stories: stories of survivors, stories of heroes. But there was one story that people didn't want to face. The story of the people who began to jump from the World Trade Center just minutes after the first plane hit. Their images were caught on videotape and in photographs, but soon they were never seen again, as if th...

  • 1991年莫斯科摇滚音乐节 For Those About to Rock: Monsters in Moscow

    类型:纪录片, 音乐

    导演:Wayne Isham   编剧:

    主演:AC/DC, Phil Anselmo, The Black Crowes, Rex Brown, Dimebag Darrell, 柯克·汉梅特, James Hetfield

      莫斯科摇滚音乐节1991年的现场记录,包含Pantera、Metallica、AC/DC三个家喻户晓的乐队。 作为在各自音乐领域的佼佼者,他们的名气早已誉满全球。另外还有两个乐队(BlackCrowes和E.S.T.)。
      Pantera:《Cowboys from Hell》《Primal Concrete》《Sledge Psycho holiday》
      Black Crowes:《Stare it Cold》《Rainy Day Woman》
      Metellica:《Enter Sandman》《Creeping Death》《Fade to black》
      AC/DC:《Black in Black》《Highway to Hell》《Whole Lotta Rosie》《For those about to rock》

  • 雷帝嘎嘎:九一一 Lady Gaga: 911

    类型:短片, 音乐, 歌舞, 奇幻

    导演:塔西姆·辛   编剧:

    主演:Lady Gaga


  • 911事件簿 11'09''01 - September 11


    导演:亚利桑德罗·冈萨雷斯·伊纳里多, 尤瑟夫·夏因, 阿莫斯·吉泰, 今村昌平, 克洛德·勒卢什, 肯·洛奇, 莎米拉·玛克玛尔巴夫, 米拉·奈尔, 伊德沙·渥德拉戈, 西恩·潘, 丹尼斯·塔诺维奇   编剧:莎米拉·玛克玛尔巴夫, 伊德沙·渥德拉戈, 西恩·潘, Marie-Jose Sanselme, 丹尼斯·塔诺维奇, Alain Brigand, Alain Brigand, 尤瑟夫·夏因, 萨布里纳·德霍万, 阿莫斯·吉泰, Amos Gitaï, 亚利桑德罗·冈萨雷斯·伊纳里多, Alejandro González Iñárritu, 保罗·拉弗蒂, 克洛德·勒卢什, 肯·洛奇

    主演:Ahmed Haroun, Sanaa Younes, Ahmed Fouad Selim, Maher Esam, Eveline Sélim, Rafik Mohsen, Hesham Abd Elkhaleq, Alaa Mahgoub, Fadi Badour, Maryam Karimi, Mohamad Dolati, Agelem Habibi, Esmat Vahedi, Ameneh Banizadeh, Razieh Jafari, Hassan Rezai, Najibeh Habibi, 埃马努埃勒·拉博里, Jérôme Horry, 努尔·谢里夫

      2001年9月11日,震惊世界且影响深远的“9·11事件”爆发。双子塔岿然垮塌,似乎预示着一个黑暗时代的到来。在此之后,法国Studio Canal电影公司迅速做出反应,邀请了11名享誉海内外的导演和演员分别执导了每部时长为11分钟09秒01帧的短片,最终汇集成这部思想独特、尖锐深刻的短片集。在他们的镜头中,有的饱受战争、饥馑、灾害的人们感同身受发起了悼念;有的则或戏谑或愤怒或尖锐批判着美国的霸权主义;有的以寓言的形式解析着“圣战”的含义;有的则俯身聚焦小人物的生活琐事与喜怒哀乐。那改变世界的瞬间,震撼着每一个人的心……
      本片荣获2002年威尼斯电影节国际影评人费比西奖最佳短片奖(Ken Loach导演部分)以及联合国教科文组织大奖。

  • 911碎片拼接 9/11: Stories in Fragments


    导演:Molly Hermann   编剧:Steven Zorn


  • 9191Days

    类型:剧情, 动画, 犯罪

    导演:大薮恭平, 镝木宏, 出合小都美, 大久保富彦, 平向智子, 柳屋圭宏, 古川顺康, 铃木孝聪, 铃木芳成, 森本育郎, 鸟羽聪, 饭村正之   编剧:岸本卓, 木户雄一郎, 镝木宏

    主演:近藤隆, 江口拓也, 小野大辅, 齐藤壮马, 津田健次郎, 西山宏太朗, 中村悠一, 樱井孝宏, 山路和弘

      『91Days』は禁酒法の時代、マフィアに支配された街が舞台。PVに登場する男・アヴィリオは、家族を殺された復讐を果たすため友を殺す―。そんな衝撃的なPVの内容は、気になることだらけ! キャストやストーリー詳細は今後続報が発表されるとのことなので、期待しよう。

  • 斯海勒贝勒1919 Schellebelle 1919


    导演:Johan Heldenbergh, Taylor Boyd   编剧:Johan Heldenbergh

    主演:Jan Baeyens, Thomas Bauwens, Zaza Bauwens

      What started as a crazy wager between friends, ended up as a full movie, created and acted by the whole population of the friendly Flemish village of Schellebelle. The renowned actor Heldenbergh (who lives in that village) wrote the scenario and directed, together with the mayor K. Taylor, who happens to be a professional director. The movie tells the story of the farming famil...

  • 启示录:迟迟未到的和平 Apocalypse La Paix Impossible 1918-1926

    类型:纪录片, 历史, 战争

    导演:Isabelle Clarke, 丹尼尔考斯特尔   编剧:丹尼尔考斯特尔

    主演:马修·卡索维茨, 弗朗索瓦·阿诺德

      November 11, 1918. As the First World War ends, survivors realize that the world of yesterday is gone forever, buried in the ruins. The victors concoct a precarious peace treaty which they impose on the vanquished. In Europe, Africa, and Asia new nations are forged, often through strife and conflict. In no time hatred, fear, and resentment bubble up from the depths of traumatiz...