在世界的沉默中 きゃからばあ

在世界的沉默中 きゃからばあ

在世界的沉默中 きゃからばあ-导演: 河濑直美
在世界的沉默中 きゃからばあ-编剧:
在世界的沉默中 きゃからばあ-主演: 河濑直美
在世界的沉默中 きゃからばあ-电影类型: 纪录片电影, 传记片电影
在世界的沉默中 きゃからばあ-上映日期: 2001-08-10
欢迎观看《在世界的沉默中 きゃからばあ》电影, 该片由最新电影收集自网络。网站提供影视评价、影片主演列表、影片相关资讯、海报图片、 上映更新时间、主演等。如果你喜欢《在世界的沉默中 きゃからばあ》,请把它分享给其他朋友,有您的支持我们会做的更好! 分享地址:  http://www.haosq123.com/movie/content/46dBgN9We79.html

在世界的沉默中 きゃからばあ-电影剧情介绍

  《在世界的沉默中 きゃからばあ》于2001-08-10上映。是由河濑直美执导, 演员河濑直美主演的《在世界的沉默中 きゃからばあ》是一部纪录片, 传记类型电影。

  'Your father passed away. Give us a call immediately.' The message in Kawase's cell phone informs her of her father's death.
  More than a year has passed since his death. Also 8 years since Embracing in which Kawase took a camera to film her journey to find her father. She watches Embracing with her friends as if she mourns her father's death, departure from her father. Watching, throughout the film, the repetitive, momentary interviews of people who were involved with him before his death as well as her real mother and her grandmother, Kawase bears unfocused and disconsolate feelings.
  All of a sudden, she gets an idea of having a tattoo, the same tattoo her father had through his life, so as to, she thinks, discover the family bond, and then she visits a tattoo artist. The story accelerates from here, and brings the audience to the climax. Is this really a documentary or fiction? Despite this confusion, the film goes on and asks us, 'What is love for you?'
  At the Locarno International Film Festival in 2001, the film was highly praised for her original film style, the mixed form of documentary and fiction, in which her deep loneliness is realistically presented. The film has been shown more than 30 countries, and now its distribution right, after being produced and screened by ARTE France along with some other films by, for example, Sokurov, has been terminated, and the film will be screened in Japan.
  This is a must-see, as of today, Kawase's culmination as an auteur. The title Kya Ka Ra Ba A is a Buddhist term, kya - the sky, ka - wind, ra - fire, ba - water, and a - earth, all of which, altogether, means the world composed of those elements.

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      All of a sudden, she gets an idea of having a tattoo, the same tattoo her father had through his life, so as to, she thinks, discover the family bond, and then she visits a tattoo artist. The story accelerates from here, and brings the audience to the climax. Is this really a documentary or fiction? Despite this confusion, the film goes on and asks us, 'What is love for you?'
      At the Locarno International Film Festival in 2001, the film was highly praised for her original film style, the mixed form of documentary and fiction, in which her deep loneliness is realistically presented. The film has been shown more than 30 countries, and now its distribution right, after being produced and screened by ARTE France along with some other films by, for example, Sokurov, has been terminated, and the film will be screened in Japan.
      This is a must-see, as of today, Kawase's culmination as an auteur. The title Kya Ka Ra Ba A is a Buddhist term, kya - the sky, ka - wind, ra - fire, ba - water, and a - earth, all of which, altogether, means the world composed of those elements.

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