
  • Babae at Baril


    导演:Rae Red   编剧:

    主演:Janine Gutierrez, 费利克斯·罗科, 伊利亚·坎拉斯, JC·桑托斯, Sky Teotico

      The protagonist is a saleslady in a local department store. Her everyday life is composed of an exhausting commute home. She deals with the manager who always seems to have something to say about her physical state; her co-worker, Ted who is obviously interested in her but can't take a hint; and from the catcallers near where she lives. When she finally gets home, there's no on...

  • Caroline at Midnight

    类型:爱情片电影, 惊悚片电影

    导演:Scott McGinnis   编剧:Travis Rink

    主演:Clayton Rohner, Mia Sara, Tim Daly

      Victoria is a dealer in the most dangerous game. Playing conveniently into her hand is her husband and his partner, two of the dirtiest cops on the force. Gunning for her is a seductive lethal druglord. But in this game, Victoria's wildest card may be herself. She's falling in love with a reporter, who knows the secrets that could destroy them all.

  • Now, At Last


    导演:本·里弗斯   编剧:本·里弗斯


      Ben Rivers is an artist and experimental filmmaker based in London. His work has been shown in many film festivals and galleries around the world and has won numerous awards. His work ranges from themes about exploring unknown wilderness territories to candid and intimate portrayals of real-life subjects.

  • Lunatic at Large


    导演:   编剧:斯坦利·库布里克, 吉姆·汤普森


      Film noir thriller in keeping with other collaborations between Kubrick and his frequent collaborator, screenwriter Jim Thompson. “A dark and surprising mystery, in which the greatest puzzle is who, among several plausible candidates, is the true escapee from a nearby mental hospital.”

  • Coney Island at Night

    类型:纪录片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Edwin S. Porter   编剧:


  • Poolparty at Seymore's 1


    导演:Seymore Butts   编剧:

    主演:Shane, Seymore Butts, Yvonne, Ron Jeremy

      不知道是什么原因,一部95年的欧美AV被豆瓣里一个叫“咋不起眼的薇”(的二百五伪装成了成了Jonathan Rhys-Meyers主演的电影Elvis猫王.而且居然至今没有人发现,还有100多人等待着看这部AV,我真佩服你们.

  • At the Quinte Hotel

    类型:动画片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Bruce Alcock   编剧:


  • Live at Ronnie Scott's


    导演:   编剧:


      Chet Baker(查百克)生于1929年的奥克拉荷马,自己曾经组积米歇尔三重奏乐队。1952年是他的转折点,在这一年,22岁的他加入了加利帆克乐队,1953年开始在欧洲进行巡回演出。1959年,他被人打掉了所有的牙齿,这对于一个以吹号和歌唱为生的音乐人来说不只是一个沉重的打击,但他还是凭着过人的意志和勇气用三年时间克服了不利因数,重新登台演出。他的音乐给人一种纯真、叛逆、虚无的感觉,你可以从他的眼睛里感受到一股难以掩饰的忧郁,就像从他的音乐中听到了他灵魂的呼吸。

  • Sylvie Guillem at Work


    导演:André S. Labarthe   编剧:

    主演:Sylvie Guillem

      法国舞蹈家Sylvie Guillem的排练纪录片。
      Sylvie Guillem虽然蜚声芭蕾界,但其参与拍摄的录像却十分罕见,所以这部纪录片十分珍贵

  • Jack Whitehall: At Large


    导演:   编剧:Jack Whitehall

    主演:Jack Whitehall