Babae at Baril

Babae at Baril

Babae at Baril-导演: Rae Red
Babae at Baril-编剧:
Babae at Baril-电影类型: 剧情片电影
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Babae at Baril-电影剧情介绍

  《Babae at Baril》是由Rae Red执导, 演员Janine Gutierrez, 费利克斯·罗科, 伊利亚·坎拉斯等主演的《Babae at Baril》是一部剧情类型电影。

  The protagonist is a saleslady in a local department store. Her everyday life is composed of an exhausting commute home. She deals with the manager who always seems to have something to say about her physical state; her co-worker, Ted who is obviously interested in her but can't take a hint; and from the catcallers near where she lives. When she finally gets home, there's no on...

Babae at Baril-评论

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  • Dawn

    Dawn 2021-01-15 05:53:28

    澳门恋爱电影馆女性专题放映之一。3.5竟然这么这么这么冷门。节奏有点慢,感受到了菲律宾连绵不断的雨,以及一样冰冷的生活。女主与室友对话时,进行了人物选择性聚焦,但是没有完全猜出导演的用意。最后女主看向镜头的画面,一半在明一半在暗,想到了拜伦的诗she walks in beauty.

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