恐怖鲨鱼夜 La notte degli squali

恐怖鲨鱼夜 La notte degli squali

导演: Tonino Ricci
类型: 动作片电影
上映日期: 1988-04-01
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恐怖鲨鱼夜 La notte degli squali-电影剧情介绍

  《恐怖鲨鱼夜 La notte degli squali》于1988-04-01上映。是由Tonino Ricci执导, 由Tito Carpi, 托尼诺·里奇担任主编, 演员特里特·威廉斯, 安东尼奥·法加斯, 珍妮特·阿格伦主演的《恐怖鲨鱼夜 La notte degli squali》是一部动作类型电影。

  David must fight for his life against the gangsters who killed his brother for a CD filled with proof of their illegal activities. When David gets possession of the CD they go down to Mexico where David lives as a shark hunter. Who will get David first, the gangsters or the shark?

恐怖鲨鱼夜 La notte degli squali-电影演员表

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  • 尘

    2023-02-01 19:11:04


  • 霜溪冷

    霜溪冷 2021-07-09 04:16:32

    鲨鱼杀手 无聊噱头(3/10)

  • 夏日星

    夏日星 2021-06-22 04:25:53


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