阴影中的婚姻 Ehe im Schatten

阴影中的婚姻 Ehe im Schatten

类型: 剧情片电影
上映日期: 1947
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阴影中的婚姻 Ehe im Schatten-电影剧情介绍

  《阴影中的婚姻 Ehe im Schatten》于1947上映。是由库尔特·梅切格执导, 由库尔特·梅切格担任主编, 演员Paul Klinger, 伊尔莎·斯特帕特, Alfred Balthoff主演的《阴影中的婚姻 Ehe im Schatten》是一部剧情类型电影。

  Set during the rise of the Nazi regime, Marriage in the Shadows is modeled after the tragic true story of Meta and Joachim Gottschalk. In the film, Elisabeth Maurer and Hans Wieland enjoy successful careers as actors in Berlin; Elisabeth in particular is adored by the public. Confident in her career, Elisabeth, who is Jewish, ignores the advice of a colleague to leave Germany i...

阴影中的婚姻 Ehe im Schatten-电影演员表

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阴影中的婚姻 Ehe im Schatten-评论

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  • 二战电影馆

    二战电影馆 2021-01-06 19:49:01


  • 只抓住6个

    只抓住6个 2020-10-25 21:01:39


  • YiQiao

    YiQiao 2019-02-16 09:37:12

    Positioned at the abyss that divides the past from the present and invested equally in the myths of national cinema and the rewriting of its history, the two films to be discussed are ideally suited to articulate some of the complexities of postwar cinema, including the audience’s desire to forget as well as preserve and the psychological needs of a society haunted by what has been called “the inability to mourn.”//Hake, S. Popular cinema of the Third Reich[M]. University of Texas Press, 2010: 213.

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