The Plains

The Plains

The Plains-导演: David Easteal
The Plains-编剧:
The Plains-主演:
The Plains-电影类型:
The Plains-上映日期: 2022-01(鹿特丹电影节)
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The Plains-电影剧情介绍

  《The Plains》于2022-01(鹿特丹电影节)上映。是由David Easteal执导的《The Plains》电影。

  At 17:00 every day, Andrew, a middle-aged man, drives home from work through Melbourne’s outer suburbs in peak-hour traffic. Occasionally, he offers a lift home to a younger colleague, David. Over a year, their tentative small talk gives way to a warm friendship and open conversation within the confines of the vehicle, incrementally revealing their lives.
  One may wonder what a ...

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The Plains-评论

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  • 别树

    别树 2021-04-19 06:17:51

    #HKIFF @AC I waited for the accumulation of detail and tried to interpret the body language, changes of tone, rhythms of life… but no, it’s still like listening to Michael Scott from The Office talking non-stop on his homeward commute. The mundane life of a privileged middle-aged white man was not evocative nor appealing to me.

  • 呆萌喵星人

    呆萌喵星人 2020-11-06 11:08:45

    #IFFR22 并不无趣,倒是有些意思,尤其是文本上,有结构主义的完整,也有将虚构与话语美学的相结合。静下心来仔细听,这个世界远比你想象中的要“精彩”许多。

  • Legs

    Legs 2020-08-10 07:39:41

    IFFR 2022 Tiger Competition. 全片几乎是以后排中间座椅为视点的固定镜头,以及少量的无人机拍摄画面、Andrew和妻子的一次日常生活影像作为串场。本以为这种形式下的三小时会很煎熬,却丝毫不无聊。在精巧的编排下,久而久之观众就好像坐在后排的一位朋友。从Andrew下班后第一时间和母亲、妻子的通话中,从他和顺路回家的同事(导演扮演)吐槽聊天中,逐渐深入他们的人生和日常生活,甚至熟悉了这条下班的路。Andrew的角色非常饱满且有魅力,与母亲、妻子和其他亲人的亲情关系刻画的很动人,特别是他与母亲,影片的最后我们看不到他一上车就给母亲打电话了。无论是和家人,还是和副驾上的朋友,日常交谈之中人与人的情感连接是非常动人的,此外牵扯出来的人与社会的连接(讲述历史、车载广播、车外的城市空间)又丰富了影片的意味。

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