Nate Bargatze: Full Time Magic
Nate Bargatze: Full Time Magic
Nate Bargatze: Full Time Magic-导演:
Nate Bargatze: Full Time Magic-编剧: Nate Bargatze
Nate Bargatze: Full Time Magic-主演: Nate Bargatze
Nate Bargatze: Full Time Magic-电影类型: 喜剧
Nate Bargatze: Full Time Magic-上映日期: 2015-04-27
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Nate Bargatze: Full Time Magic-电影剧情介绍

  Filmed at the Gramercy Theatre in New York City, the hilarious and charming "Full Time Magic" is Nate Bargatze's first one-hour stand-up special. Despite being a married man with a young daughter, Nate is not immune to embarrassing situations. It's hard to imagine the laid-back Tennessee native has been met with the prospect of fighting his wife's ex-boyfriend on a boat, been a...

Nate Bargatze: Full Time Magic-电影演员表

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Nate Bargatze: Full Time Magic-评论

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