达芬奇:遗失的杰作救世主 DaVinci: The Lost Treasure
达芬奇:遗失的杰作救世主 DaVinci: The Lost Treasure
达芬奇:遗失的杰作救世主 DaVinci: The Lost Treasure-导演: Julian Birkett, Roger Parsons
达芬奇:遗失的杰作救世主 DaVinci: The Lost Treasure-编剧:
达芬奇:遗失的杰作救世主 DaVinci: The Lost Treasure-主演: Fiona Bruce
达芬奇:遗失的杰作救世主 DaVinci: The Lost Treasure-电影类型: 纪录片
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达芬奇:遗失的杰作救世主 DaVinci: The Lost Treasure-电影剧情介绍

  《救世主》(意大利语:Salvator Mundi)是列奥纳多·达·芬奇的其中一幅画作。過去它曾隱沒很長一段時間,甚至一度被認為是达芬奇学生的作品。2004年,紐約的罗伯特·赛门(Robert Simon)以低价买下該画作。並交由專家修復與鑑定後,2011年終於重現在世人面前
  《救世主》(英语: Salvator Mundi )是一幅描绘基督的画作,最近被认为是达芬奇的作品。它丢失了,后来被重新发现,并在 2011 年修复和展出。这幅画描绘的是身着文艺复兴时期服装的基督,他举起右手,交叉手指,左手拿着一个水晶球,祈祷祝福。
  在法国,列奥纳多·达·芬奇于 1506 年至 1513 年间为法国的路易十二画了主题——耶稣基督。最近鉴定的作品曾为英国查理一世所有, 1649 年被记录在他的艺术收藏中, 1763 年被白金汉和诺曼比公爵之子拍卖。它在 1900再次出现,在之前的修复尝试和修复过程中受损。其作者不详,当时被一位英国收藏家弗雷德里克·库克爵士购得。库克的后人在 1958 年的拍卖会上以 45 英镑的价格出售了它。这幅画被重新发现,在 2005 年被一个美国艺术品交易商联盟收购,并被证实为列奥纳多所作。这是展出了伦敦的国家画廊期间达芬奇:2011 年 11 月 9 日至 2012 年 2 月 5 日,米兰宫廷画家。

  Salvator Mundi is a painting of Christ as Salvator Mundi recently attributed to Leonardo da Vinci, who is known to have painted the subject. It was lost and later rediscovered, and restored and exhibited in 2011. The painting shows Christ, in Renaissance garb, giving a benediction with his raised right hand and crossed fingers while holding a crystal sphere in his left hand.
  In France, Leonardo da Vinci painted the subject, Jesus Christ, for Louis XII of France between 1506 and 1513. The recently authenticated work was once owned by Charles I of England and recorded in his art collection in 1649 before being auctioned by the son of the Duke of Buckingham and Normanby in 1763. It next appeared in 1900, damaged from previous restoration attempts and its authorship unclear, when it was purchased by a British collector, Sir Frederick Cook. Cook's descendants sold it at auction in 1958 for £45. The painting was rediscovered, acquired by a US consortium of art dealers in 2005, and authenticated as by Leonardo. It was exhibited by London's National Gallery during the Leonardo da Vinci: Painter at the Court of Milan from 9 November 2011 to 5 February 2012.

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