球神比吉尔 Bigil

球神比吉尔 Bigil

球神比吉尔 Bigil-导演: Atlee Kumar
球神比吉尔 Bigil-编剧: Atlee Kumar, Ramanagirivasan
球神比吉尔 Bigil-电影类型: 剧情片电影, 动作片电影, 运动片电影
球神比吉尔 Bigil-上映日期: 2019-10-25(印度)
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球神比吉尔 Bigil-电影剧情介绍

  《球神比吉尔 Bigil》于2019-10-25(印度)上映。是由Atlee Kumar执导, 由Atlee Kumar, Ramanagirivasan担任主编, 演员I.M. Vijayan, Sai Dheena, Amritha Aiyer等主演的《球神比吉尔 Bigil》是一部剧情, 动作, 运动类型电影。


球神比吉尔 Bigil-评论

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  • 麦子

    麦子 2020-08-22 07:29:01


  • 的确良少

    的确良少 2020-07-23 07:16:51


  • enilsaniaruot

    enilsaniaruot 2020-04-23 06:49:16


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      However daring it may have been for Hollywood to tackle this subject matter in 1928 the prospect of an actual Arab actor taking the title role was apparently out of the question, so handsome young Charles Farrell was cast in the lead. They gave him a pencil-line mustache and darkened his skin slightly, and that was considered sufficient. Farrell gives the role his best shot although he's obviously no more Arab than Barry Fitzgerald. His performance is generally restrained and seems to improve as the film goes on, that is, after an early scene in which he indulges in unfortunate eye-popping histrionics when he first sees his leading lady. The beautiful Greta Nissen, who was Norwegian, might not have gotten this role in a talkie but she's perfectly well cast here, and gives a sensitive, nuanced performance. Both Fabienne and Fazil have their faults but neither is presented as the villain of the piece, which is refreshing but also deepens our sadness and frustration as their relationship falls apart.
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