Cinéastes de notre temps: Robert Bresson - Ni vu, ni connu
Cinéastes de notre temps: Robert Bresson - Ni vu, ni connu
Cinéastes de notre temps: Robert Bresson - Ni vu, ni connu-导演: François Weyergans
Cinéastes de notre temps: Robert Bresson - Ni vu, ni connu-编剧:
Cinéastes de notre temps: Robert Bresson - Ni vu, ni connu-主演: Robert Bresson , François Weyergans
Cinéastes de notre temps: Robert Bresson - Ni vu, ni connu-电影类型: 纪录片
Cinéastes de notre temps: Robert Bresson - Ni vu, ni connu-上映日期: 1965
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Cinéastes de notre temps: Robert Bresson - Ni vu, ni ...-电影剧情介绍

  Description: Filmed mostly in his country home in 1965, ROBERT BRESSON - WITHOUT A TRACE is a revealing discussion with Bresson. Bresson at this time had completed six of his most well known films and was in the process of shooting Au Hasard Balthazar.
  Usually a man of few words, having never before granted an interview on camera, Bresson agreed to answer the questions of a the...

Cinéastes de notre temps: Robert Bresson - Ni vu, ni ...-电影演员表

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  • 田裡和樹

    田裡和樹 2021-09-17 07:13:40


  • 佛尔摩飒

    佛尔摩飒 2021-09-10 11:22:33 布列松教会我所有。采访布列松的是未来摘得龚古尔奖的作家威尔冈,当时他是手册的编辑。

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    四海无人对夕阳 2021-08-14 00:59:24


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