枪支:火器的演变史 Guns: The Evolution of Firearms

枪支:火器的演变史 Guns: The Evolution of Firearms

枪支:火器的演变史 Guns: The Evolution of Firearms-导演:
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枪支:火器的演变史 Guns: The Evolution of Firearms-主演:
枪支:火器的演变史 Guns: The Evolution of Firearms-电影类型: 纪录片电影
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枪支:火器的演变史 Guns: The Evolution of Firearms-电影剧情介绍

  《枪支:火器的演变史 Guns: The Evolution of Firearm的《枪支:火器的演变史 Guns: The Evolution of Firearms》是一部纪录片类型电影。

  The great gift of man over beasts has been his ability to craft and use tools. A simple stone axe gave man the power to shape the world around him. A spear -- the difference between a family living or dying... But the axe and the spear could also become weapons, as individuals, tribes, and eventually nations struggled against each other in their fierce determination to survive....

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  • Die Katze

    Die Katze 2019-02-28 21:00:31


枪支:火器的演变史 Guns: The Evolution of Firearms 电影-相关推荐
