玛塔在里斯本 O Cerco

玛塔在里斯本 O Cerco

类型: 剧情片电影
上映日期: 1970-10-14(葡萄牙)
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玛塔在里斯本 O Cerco-电影剧情介绍

  《玛塔在里斯本 O Cerco》于1970-10-14(葡萄牙)上映。是由安东尼奥·达·库尼亚·特莱斯执导, 由Carlos Frederico Rodrigues担任主编, 演员Maria Cabral, Miguel Franco, 鲁伊·德·卡瓦略等主演的《玛塔在里斯本 O Cerco》是一部剧情类型电影。

  A look at the urban society of the seventies. The story of Marta a young and pretty girl, who leaves her husband to search for her true identity. She doesn't quite know what she wants, but at least she knows what she's escaping from. Soon she encounters financial difficulties and finds herself involved with shady characters, a situation that leads to a mysterious murder. The ne...

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