救火员 The Fireman

救火员 The Fireman

救火员 The Fireman-导演: 查里 卓别林 (Charles Chaplin)
救火员 The Fireman-编剧: 查理·卓别林, Vincent Bryan
救火员 The Fireman-电影类型: 喜剧片电影, 短片电影
救火员 The Fireman-上映日期: 1916-06-12
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救火员 The Fireman-电影剧情介绍

  《救火员 The Fireman》于1916-06-12上映。是由查里 卓别林 (Charles Chaplin)执导, 由查理·卓别林, Vincent Bryan担任主编, 演员查理·卓别林, 艾德娜·珀薇安丝, 劳埃德·培根主演的《救火员 The Fireman》是一部喜剧, 短片类型电影。

  Charlie is a fireman who always does everything wrong. A man talks the Fire Chief into ignoring his burning home (he wants the insurance money) unaware that his daughter (the love of the Chief) is upstairs in the house. When the house next door catches fire its owner rouses Charlie who rouses the force.

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