
  • 食物工厂 第一季 Food Factory Season 1


    导演:   编剧:


  • 电影制作人,一些缺页和有史以来最大的食物大战 The Filmmaker, Some Missing Pages and the Biggest Food Fight Ever


    导演:Aaron Ticen   编剧:Aaron Ticen

    主演:George R. Hildebrand, Lec Zorn, Joshua Scantland

      A trio of rumored tall tales are recounted, which include a crazed filmmaker, a detective who specializes in missing pages, and the biggest food fight ever.

  • 食物的故事 Eat: The Story of Food


    导演:Allen Salkin   编剧:


      舌尖上的故事:无肉不欢 Eat: The Story of Food: Carnivores 2015年5月8日
      舌尖上的故事:神奇谷物 Eat: The Story of Food: Baked & Buzz 2015年5月9日
      舌尖上的故事:恋上海鲜 Eat: The S...

  • 吃掉它:一个食物浪费的故事 Just Eat It: A Food Waste Story


    导演:Grant Baldwin   编剧:Grant Baldwin, Jenny Rustemeyer

    主演:Grant Baldwin, Jenny Rustemeyer, Spencer Whitney

      所有人都喜欢食物。作为人类社会,我们喜欢看各类厨艺节目,美食杂志和各类烹饪网站。那么怎么可能,我们会把接近50%的食物丢弃到垃圾堆里的呢?制片人兼美食家的Grant Baldwin和Jenny Rustemeyer通过这部纪录片,向大家揭示了”食物浪费“这样一个问题,从农场到零售链,直到自家的冰箱橱柜里。在了解了北美每年会有近几十亿价值的食物被丢弃之后,两位导演不再去超市购买食物,而亲自尝试了以被丢弃食物过日子的生活方式。
      We all love food. As a society, we devour countless cooking shows, culinary magazines and foodie blogs. So how could we possibly be throwing nearly 50% of it in the t...

  • 食物选择 Food Choices


    导演:Michal Siewierski   编剧:Michal Siewierski

    主演:Tony Bark, T. Colin Campbell, Jim Morris Hicks, John McDougall, Jessica Murnana, Richard Oppenlander, Pam Popper, Rich Roll, Michal Siewierski, Paul Watson

      This documentary follows filmmaker Michal Siewierski as he explores the impact that food choice has on people's health, the health of our planet and on the lives of other species sharing our world. It looks at many misconceptions about food and diet, offering a new view on these issues. The film interviews world-renowned experts, including Dr. T Colin Campbell, Dr. Richard Oppe...

  • 食物美学 Food Design


    导演:Martin Hablesreiter   编剧:

    主演:Dieter Moor

  • 食物记 Food for Feudin'

    类型:动画, 短片

    导演:查尔斯·A·尼科尔斯   编剧:Milt Schaffer, Dick Kinney

    主演:品托·考维格, Dessie Flynn, James MacDonald

      Chip 'n' Dale have filled a hollow tree with nuts. Pluto sticks a bone into the tree, but this triggers an avalanche of nuts - right into Pluto's doghouse. He's not at all happy about them coming after the nuts. Chip 'n Dale hide in a pair of garden gloves and eventually get Pluto to haul his nut-filled doghouse to their tree.

  • 美味食物工厂 Fantastic Food Factory


    导演:   编剧:


      在赞扬美国最受喜爱的食物时,我们发现这些最受喜爱品牌的背后有着令人震惊的科学技术,还发现像Jelly belly beans和Twinkies等被大量生产的食物的生产程序,深入走进最顶尖的工厂来一一为您展现,背负巨大压力的厨师,他要创造下一个最受欢迎菜谱和它的...

  • 古怪食物 第二季 Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern Season 2


    导演:Chris Marino   编剧:Tacy Mangan

    主演:Andrew Zimmern

      《古怪食物》(Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern)是一个旅游美食节目,主持人为安德鲁·席莫(Andrew Zimmern),在旅游频道(Travel Channel)拨出。第一季在2007年2月26日日正式开播。此节目主要以美国人的观点,介绍世界各地令人作恶、特别且古怪的食物。每一集中,席莫会介绍某一国家或区域的食物,完整呈现食物的取得、供应以及品尝的过程。
      此节目原本片长只有一小时,称为《亚洲古怪食物》(Bizarre Foods of Asia),不断的在旅游频道播,且受到广大观众的喜爱。2006年底,节目改为每周拨出一小时,著重一样的题材,主持人也一样为安德鲁·席莫。
      另外,此节目的形式与另一节目《波登不设限》(Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations)相当类似;後者比较像是一个介绍旅游...

  • 食物链 Food Chains


    导演:Sanjay Rawal   编剧:Erin Barnett, Sanjay Rawal

    主演:埃里克·施洛瑟, 伊娃·朗格利亚, Dolores Huerta

      Food Chains exposes the abuse in farm labour and reveals the forces behind this exploitation via the narrative of a brave group of tomato pickers in Florida, the Coalition of Immokalee Workers, who are battling the global supermarket industry.