
  • 真正的痛苦 A Real Pain


    导演:杰西·艾森伯格   编剧:杰西·艾森伯格

    主演:基南·卡尔金, 杰西·艾森伯格


  • 终极杀戮2痛苦之屋 Exitus 2 House of Pain


    导演:Andreas Bethmann   编剧:Andreas Bethmann

    主演:Renee Pornero

      2 years have passed since the terrible events in the Exitus House. Sophie, the sister of the murdered Monique, suffers from the fact th at her sister's body was never found and the killer never brought to justice.

  • 美丽的痛苦 Pretty Hurts


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:Rand Rusher, Curt W. Meeuwsen

      Pretty Hurts is an American reality television series from the LGBT-interest network Logo. The show revolves around Rand Rusher, a Botox/Restylane injectionist to the starlets, Hollywood wives, and the wanna-bes of Beverly Hills. The setting is Rusher's office on S. Bedford Drive in Bev Hills.

  • 痛苦循环 Circle of Pain


    导演:丹尼尔·齐里利   编剧:Bobby Mort, 丹尼尔·齐里利, 肖恩·帕特里克·奥赖利

    主演:Craig Nigh, 利亚姆·欧文, 裘德·沃尔克, Brandon M. Blake, 布兰登·巴恩斯, 海尔斯·杨, 白灵, 迪恩·凯恩, 托尼·希纳, 希斯·赫林, 路易斯·赫特哈姆, 约翰·爱德华·李, 凯文·费格斯, Yves Edwards, Frank Mir, Jace Jeanes, Roger Huerta

      自由搏击组织RFC现任重量级冠军科林·“砖头”·瓦尔(西斯·海尔因 Heath Herring 饰),以20场全胜纪录傲视群雄,在其经纪人维多利亚·茹兰(白灵 饰)的包装下,其风头正劲,一时无两。另一方面,在茹兰家族旗下的建筑工地内,前搏击冠军道尔顿·亨特(东尼·斯希纳 Tony Schiena 饰)为了生计辛苦劳作。他曾拥有不逊于科林的成就,但一场意外让他告别赛场,看透了浮华世态道尔顿自甘平凡,只求和家人平淡度日。然而贪婪的维多利亚并未放过道尔顿,她以合同中尚拖欠一场比赛之名,千方百计迫使道尔顿重返赛场。

  • 痛苦宝贝 Baby Blues


    导演:Dylan Pearce   编剧:Lewaa Nasserdeen

    主演:Paul De La Rosa, Hazel Murphy, Cassidy Torrington, Jenny Cooper, 肖恩·奥尼尔, 梅兰妮·斯科洛凡诺, Michie Mee, Ruth Marshall, Colleen Williams, Darren Arsenault, Steven Woodworth, Joe MacLeod, Marie Beath Badian, Kevin Briand

      Josie Patterson is attempting to start her life over after a tragic incident changed the life she previously knew forever. She gets a job at a small town diner and attempts to establish new relationships. However, the shame over her past mistakes prevents her from getting close to anyone. Then, an unlikely friendship with a kind hearted co-worker, Mani, and a romance with a you...

  • 一只名叫痛苦的狗 Un Perro llamado Dolor

    类型:动画, 奇幻

    导演:路易斯·爱德华多·奥特   编剧:路易斯·爱德华多·奥特


      这是一部完全手工绘制的动画作品,全片分为七个章节,讲述了八位艺术大师和他们的模特之间的微妙关系,以此反映出在特殊的历史背景和社会现实下他们对自己创作风格的或坚守或转变。他们分别是西班牙绘画大师戈雅(Francisco de Goya,1746-1828),维拉斯奎兹(D iego Velazquez,1599-1660),毕加索(Pablo Picasso,1881-1973),达利(Salvado)、索洛利亚、德·托雷斯、墨西哥女画家弗里达和法国前卫艺术大师马塞尔·杜尚。

  • 制服处女的痛苦 制服処女のいたみ

    类型:剧情, 情色

    导演:渡辺 護   编剧:小水一男

    主演:美保純, 織田倭歌, 杉佳代子, 青木美枝子, 島村謙二, 武藤樹一郎


  • 痛苦之终结 Το τέλος του πόνου (Μια πρόταση)

    类型:科幻, 短片

    导演:杰奎琳·伦佐   编剧:


  • 痛苦圣经2 Dead Butterfly - The prophecy of Suffering Bible


    导演:戴维德·皮斯卡   编剧:

    主演:Enrico Calloni

      An angel redeems the sins of lost souls.
      Religion, madness, violence and extreme Body art:this is Dead Butterfly
      Dead Butterfly is limited to just 50 Blurays and 25 DVDs. It goes on sale thurs 10/10/19 at 7pm EST with copies expected to ship between late Nov and early Dec.

  • 痛苦的冒险 L'angoissante aventure


    导演:Yakov Protazanov   编剧:伊万·莫兹尤辛

    主演:Ivan Mozzhukhin, Nathalie Lissenko, Dimitri Buchowetzki

      Shot in pieces by the White Russian cinema community during their emigration to France, L'Angoissante Aventure is afascinating hybrid, reflecting the multifaceted talents of the first generations of Russian filmmakers and the path not taken by early Soviet cinema. Director Yakov Protazanov had already made a name for himself through his film versions of the Queen of Spades (1916) and Father Sergius (1917), both notable for their psychologically nuanced treatment of objects and decor as well as the performances of lead actor Ivan Mozzhukhin. Mozzhukhin worked to great acclaim in France as both an actor and a director, but Protazanov would eventually be lured back to Moscow to direct the famous soviet science fiction film Aelita (1924)