
  • 有人留下 No One Left Behind

    类型:剧情, 短片

    导演:吉列尔莫·阿里亚加   编剧:吉列尔莫·阿里亚加

    主演:Isabel Aerenlund, 丹尼·赫斯顿, 豪尔赫·A·希门尼斯

      A group of American soldiers travel into Mexico for an unknown mission and they encounter a surprising world which changes their views.

  • 有人拉屋米

    类型:喜剧, 爱情

    导演:爱迪生, 笑笑   编剧:不是女人

    主演:刘谋峰, 孙天一, 周鑫洋, 袁小莫, 陆洋, 张军, 魏中华, 王玉琦

      古蒂乐(刘谋峰 饰)天性风流爱玩,身边的伴侣换了一个又一个,然而,情场经历丰富多彩的他却偏偏因为某个神秘的诅咒而忘记了“我爱你”这句爱情金句,每当他想要将这句话说出口之时,总会发生一些稀奇古怪的意外。
      这个秘密跟随了古蒂乐整整十三年,只有古蒂乐的好哥们大D(周鑫洋 饰)知道其中的苦楚和无奈。某日,古蒂乐遇见了名为美美(孙天一 饰)的女孩,美美的善良和可爱很快就吸引了古蒂乐的注意,他知道,这一次和往日的那些露水情缘不同,他是真正的坠入了爱河。然而,在无法说出“我爱你”的诅咒面前,古蒂乐和美美之间的恋情能否开花结果呢?

  • 今晚有人死了 Someone Dies Tonight


    导演:Aurelio Toni Agliata   编剧:Vjekoslav Katusin, 阿克塞尔·梅尔兹纳

    主演:Bare Vardic, Isa Zuki, Claudiu Raymond, Bozidar Alic, Vjekoslav Katusin, 埃里克·罗伯茨, 科斯塔斯·曼迪勒, Maik van Epple, Roni Lepej, Jenny Paris, Igor Pecenjev, Goran Stjepanovic, Angelo Borer, Julia Nika Neviandt, Flamur Arslani

      A group of friends sets out on a holiday road trip to Greece. On their way south, they are intercepted by a group of Croatian gangsters. Locked in a remote house, they find themselves struggling for their lives.

  • 外面有人吗? Is There Anybody Out There?


    导演:Ella Glendining   编剧:


      Based on her own rare disability, director Ella Glendining takes us on a journey to find others with the same experience as her. A unique and thought-provoking film about overlooked disabilities and invisible norms.
      British filmmaker Ella Glendining was born with a rare disability so unusual that it is not recorded in any statistics. So she wonders if there are others out there...

  • 有人在唱歌


    导演:钱弈成   编剧:钱弈成

    主演:潘超, 于盛


  • 有人都撒谎 Todos mienten


    导演:Matías Piñeiro   编剧:Matías Piñeiro


      A group of boys and girls settle in a country house. One of them writes a novel while the others try to become a gang and prepare a robbery: some fall in love, or seems to be, or believe they are in love. However, these two, three, ten plot lines unfold from what the characters hide or just don’t know. With a sense of humor and play that is both the characters’ and the film’s, ...

  • 我们所有人 National Theatre Live: All of Us


    导演:Ian Rickson   编剧:Francesca Martinez

    主演:Oliver Alvin-Wilson, Chris Anderson, Bonnie Baddoo, Mat Betteridge, 露西·布莱尔斯, Crystal Condie, Bryan Dick

      A powerful new play about making a stand.
      Jess has a great life: a job she loves, a sharp sense of humour and a close group of friends.
      When austerity threatens the world she has worked hard to build, Jess makes a stand to protect those she holds most dear.
      Inspired by real life experiences of disabled people in the UK, All of Us captures the humour, sadness and joy of everyday...

  • 有人在吗? Is Anybody There?


    导演:约翰·克劳利   编剧:彼得·哈尼斯

    主演:塞尔玛·巴洛, Carl McCrystal, Andrew Turner, Oliver Leach, 比尔·米尔纳, 安-玛莉·杜芙, 伊丽莎白·斯普里格斯, 莱斯利·菲利普斯, 西尔维娅·西姆斯, 罗斯玛丽·哈里斯, 大卫·莫瑞瑟, 皮特·沃恩, 迈克尔·凯恩, Ralph Riach, 琳赛·寇克

      1980年代的英格兰,爱德华(比尔·米尔纳 Bill Milner 饰)是一名十岁的男孩,爱德华的妈妈(安-玛莉·杜芙 Anne-Marie Duff 饰)努力经营家庭养老院,爸爸(大卫·莫瑞瑟 David Morrissey 饰)却正陷入一场中年危 机,与来帮忙的少女牵扯不清。生活在老人中间,爱德华很好奇当这些老人死后会发生什么,他用偷录老人离世时屋中噪音的方式来寻找死后生命的证据。一天,爱德华遇到了新来的老人克拉伦斯(迈克尔·凯恩 Michael Caine 饰)。克拉伦斯是一位退休魔术师, 整日悲伤,对爱德华很凶。但这一老一少在彼此的交往中却形成了一种奇怪的友谊……

  • 有人说爱我

    类型:喜剧, 爱情

    导演:李伟祥, 张之亮   编剧:李伟祥

    主演:吴奇隆, 朱茵, 杜汶泽, 廖启智, 齐沚瑤, 罗冠兰

      高钊文(吴奇隆 饰)是一位前途无量的青年漫画家,某日,刚刚失恋不久的他遇见了名为阿珍(朱茵 饰)美丽女子,因为两人使用的是同一支手机铃声,深感缘分神奇,两人很快就坠入了爱河走到了一起。
      可是,就在阿珍以为终于等来了属于自己的幸福之时,她最好的朋友乔伊斯(齐芷瑶 饰)忽然现身横刀夺爱,与此同时,乔伊斯患上了不治之症时日无多。痛苦之中,善良的阿珍选择了默默离开,成全自己最爱的男人和最好的朋友。一晃眼三年过去,这三年里,虽然高钊文和乔伊斯有了他们的孩子,但高钊文的心中一刻也没有忘记过阿珍。某日,高钊文在酒吧中遇见了一位和阿珍样貌极为相像的女子,他是否能够抓住这次不会再来的机会?

  • 房里有人 This House Has People in It


    导演:艾伦·雷斯尼克   编剧:艾伦·雷斯尼克, Robby Rackleff

    主演:Naomi Kline, Robby Rackleff, Rory Ogden

      Security camera footage of a birthday party reveals the unexplained events of a family, a strange disease, and a mysterious pink woman who stalks the family.