
  • 科学小飞侠Crowds insight ガッチャマン クラウズ インサイト

    类型:剧情, 科幻, 动画, 冒险

    导演:中村健治, 木村延景, 伊藤良太, 佐佐木纯人, 小野田雄亮, 榎本守, 丝贺慎太郎, 村山靖   编剧:大野敏哉, 木户雄一郎, 熊谷纯, 杉原研二

    主演:花泽香菜, 森功至, 内田真礼, 石原夏织, 逢坂良太, 浪川大辅, 小岩井小鸟, 平野绫, 细见大辅, 村瀬步, 丹下樱, 梅原裕一郎, 宫野真守


  • 盲视 Blindsight


    导演:Danil Krivoruchko   编剧:Viktoriya Yakubova


      Blindsight is a short film created by a collaborative group of designers and artists, and directed by Danil Krivoruchko. The film is based on the eponymous sci-fi novel by Peter Watts.

  • 后见之明 Hindsight


    导演:Michael Trim   编剧:Emily Fox

    主演:Laura Ramsey, Craig Horner, Liz Holtan

      VH1正式宣布预定新剧《Hindsight》,意味着这家「真人秀电视网」向有剧本节目领域迈出了坚实的一步。故事发生在上世纪90年代的纽约,年近40的Becca(Laura Ramsey)正准备迎接人生的第二次婚礼,但是她最好的朋友Lolly(Sarah Goldberg)却没有到场。事实上Lolly几年前就已经和她中断来往了。当Becca仔细回想自己和Lolly的关系、自己和第一任丈夫Sean(Craig Horner)的关系时,她睡着了……醒来时赫然发现自己回到了15年前。同样是婚礼日,只不过即将和她结婚的对象是第一任丈夫Sean。此时她的父母还没有离婚,Lolly也仍然是她的朋友。Becca必须决定是否要嫁给Sean,然后再经历一次痛苦而失败的婚姻。或者……她可以改变历史,改变自己的命运。但是她和第二任丈夫Andy Kelly的关系将何去何从?更...

  • 地平线系列:创造力 Horizon - The Creative Brain: How Insight Works


    导演:Kate Dart   编剧:Kate Dart


      Today, scientists are using some unusual techniques to try to work out how these moments of creativity - whether big, small or life-changing - come about. They have devised a series of puzzles and brainteasers to draw out our creative behaviour, while the very latest neuroimaging technology means researchers can actually peer inside our brains and witness the creative spark as ...

  • 创意大脑:灵感从何而来 Horizon - The Creative Brain: How Insight Works

    类型:纪录片, 历史

    导演:Kate Dart   编剧:Kate Dart

    主演:凯莉·亨特, Mark Beeman, Rex Jung, John Kounios, Charles Limb, Simone Ritter, Jonathan Schooler

  • 死亡凝视 Deadsight


    导演:Jesse Thomas Cook   编剧:Liv Collins, Kevin Revie

    主演:Liv Collins, Adam Seybold, Ry Barrett

      A man with partial blindness and a young pregnant police officer must work together to escape from a deadly virus that has spread across Grey County.

  • 碧翠丝 Beatrix


    导演:Milena Czernovsky, Lilith Kraxner   编剧:Milena Czernovsky, Lilith Kraxner

    主演:Marthe de Crouy-Chanel, Katharina Farnleitner, Eva Sommer

      It is often maintained that films present intimate insight into the lives of their protagonists, usually implying a psychological or physical closeness.

  • 浪漫的烦恼 The Trouble with Romance

    类型:剧情, 喜剧, 爱情

    导演:Gene Rhee, Sharri Hefner   编剧:Gene Rhee

    主演:Jordan Belfi, John Churchill, Josie Davis, Sheetal Sheth, Mitch Malem

      A provocative, sexy and insightful exploration of relationships between men and women and why we all still yearn for love despite the trouble with romance

  • 夜伽


    导演:中村健治   编剧:


      【中村健治 导演原创新作《夜伽YOTOGI》】制片人 山本幸治 在社交媒体上透露 #中村健治 导演正在准备原创新作动画《夜伽YOTOGI》。本作将是中村健治继《科学小飞侠Crowds insight》之后,时隔六年的首部新作。

  • C-TV (Wenn ich Dir sage, ich habe Dich gern…)


    导演:Eva Egermann, Cordula Thym   编剧:


      The earth has been shaken, the television studio destroyed, C-TV goes on air: Hedi, the plush talk show host welcomes people with disabilities who offer insight into their daily lives and their artistic and political work.

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