
  • 精忠报国 第二季 Au service de la France Season 2


    导演:Alexis Charrier   编剧:让-弗朗索瓦·哈林, Claire Lemaréchal, 让-安德烈·耶尔

    主演:雨果·贝克, Wilfred Benaïche, Christophe Kourotchkine, Bruno Paviot, Karim Barras, Jean-Édouard Bodziak, 玛蒂尔德·瓦尔尼耶, 约瑟芬·德·拉·波美

      冷战升级,形势愈发严峻,这群无知的情报人员反倒火上浇油,引发了一系列国际危机……而我们的安德烈 (André) 更是在一次个人行动中失控暴走。

  • 精忠报国 第一季 Au service de la France Season 1


    导演:Alexandre Courtès   编剧:让-弗朗索瓦·哈林, Claire Lemaréchal, 让-安德烈·耶尔

    主演:雨果·贝克, Wilfred Benaïche, Christophe Kourotchkine, Karim Barras, Bruno Paviot, Jean-Edouard Bodziak

      1960年的巴黎,安德烈·梅洛 (André Merlaux) 加入法国情报机构,年少无知的他即将面对复杂的国际阴谋与荒谬的官僚主义……以及说来就来的爱情。

  • 狗及其各种优点 Les chiens et ses services

    类型:纪录片, 短片

    导演:   编剧:


      We see a working dog, a beggar's dog, a shepherd's dog, and a milkman's dog. The working dog is locked inside a large wire wheel; the dog runs inside the wheel, turning it to run a machine. The beggar's dog pulls its legless master, who's sitting on a low cart, down the street. The shepherd's dog keeps a flock of at least 20 sheep in a tight circle. The milkman's dog pulls a ca...

  • 烫斗姻缘 I Dood It

    类型:喜剧, 爱情, 惊悚, 歌舞

    导演:文森特·明奈利   编剧:西格·赫齐格, 弗雷德·赛义迪

    主演:雷德·斯克尔顿, 埃利诺·鲍威尔

      A bumbling pants presser at an upscale hotel's valet service nurses an unrequited crush on a Broadway star. He gets more than he bargained for when she agrees to marry him, to spite her womanizing fiance, and encounters Nazi saboteurs.

  • 缩小包围圈 SB zatvara krug


    导演:Miomir 'Miki' Stamenkovic   编剧:Dragan Markovic, Dusan Perkovic

    主演:斯洛博丹·迪米特里耶维奇, 杜西察·热加拉茨, Dragomir Felba, 拉德·马尔科维奇, V·米里奇, Faruk Begolli

      The story of the Yugoslav security service and delays efforts to prevent the incursion of terrorists in Yugoslavia, which would attack the objects of vital importance to the state and thus destroy it.

  • 辛普森一家:欢乐迪士尼+ The Simpsons in Plusaversary

    类型:动画, 短片

    导演:大卫·西尔弗曼   编剧:乔尔·H·科恩, Jessica Conrad, 阿尔·让

    主演:丹·卡斯泰兰尼塔, 南茜·卡特莱特, 雅德丽·史密斯, 汉克·阿扎利亚, 特蕾丝·麦克尼尔

      Follows The Simpsons" as they host a Disney+ Day party with friends from across the service, everyone is on the list - except Homer.

  • 现役军人 Palvelus


    导演:Mikko Mäkelä   编剧:米科·马克拉

    主演:Otto Rokka, Teijo Eloranta, Aleksi Holkko

      On furlough from his military service, Niko pays his estranged father a visit. Can old wounds heal?

  • 魔界奇谭 第四季 Tales From The Crypt Season 4


    导演:汤姆·汉克斯   编剧:Steven Dodd, William M. Gaines

    主演:Constance Pfeifer, Louise Lewis, 特里特·威廉斯, 弗朗西斯·斯特恩哈根, 亨利·吉布森, 汤姆·汉克斯, 舒格·雷·伦纳德, 约翰·卡西尔, Bibi Osterwald, 克莱夫·罗森格伦, Edward Penn, Gracia Lee, Don Perry

      A con-man who meets and marries rich old widows through a dating service, then murders them and takes the inheritance, finally gets the date of his dreams - the very worst of them.

  • 此处禁止溺水 Noyade interdite


    导演:Melanie Laleu   编剧:Melanie Laleu

    主演:Diana Fontannaz, Estéban, Chloé Guillossou

      2017棕榈泉国际短片节(Palm Springs International ShortFest)入围短片
      In a vague and futuristic world, people must pay for every single service in their life. When a stripper and a thief meet, they find a meaning within it.

  • 爆炸头白人 White Afro


    导演:阿库萨·阿多玛·奥乌苏   编剧:Nana Saah Adwubi Kete

    主演:Nana Saah Adwubi Kete

      White Afro employs an archival instructional video on how to offer curly perms or body waving services to their white clientele, ostensibly for financial gain.

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